All the info about the Swamp biomes
Swamp Cambian Drift Exsended
Name: Swamp Cambian Drift
ID: swamp_cambian_drift
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\cambian-drift-exsended.json
Category: forest
Swamp Cambian Drift
Name: Swamp Cambian Drift
ID: swamp_cambian_drift
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\cambian-drift.json
Category: forest
Child: Swamp Cambian Drift Exsended
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Swamp Denmyre
Name: Swamp Denmyre
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\denmyre.json
Swamp Haunted Hands Forest
Name: Swamp Haunted Hands Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\handy-willow-forest.json
Swamp Marsh Rotten
Name: Swamp Marsh Rotten
ID: swamp_marsh_rotten
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\marsh-rotten.json
Swamp Marsh
Name: Swamp Marsh
ID: swamp_marsh_rotten
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\marsh.json
Child: Swamp Marsh Rotten
Swamp Roofed Forest Extended
Name: Swamp Roofed Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-forest-extended.json
Child: Swampy Marsh
Swamp Roofed Forest
Name: Swamp Roofed Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-forest.json
Child: Swampy Marsh | Swamp Roofed Forest Extended
Swamp Roofed Wayward Extended
Name: Swamp Roofed Wayward
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-wayward-extended.json
Child: Swampy Marsh
Swamp Roofed Wayward
Name: Swamp Roofed Wayward
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-wayward-extended.json
Child: Swampy Marsh | Swamp Roofed Wayward Extended
Swamp Forest
Name: Swamp Forest
ID: k530forestswamp
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\swamp-forest.json
Child: Swamp Puddle
Swamp Mangrove Forest
Name: Swamp Mangrove Forest
ID: k530mangroveswamp
Category: forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\swamp-mangrove-lake.json
Swamp Puddle
Name: Swamp Puddle
ID: k530puddle
Category: forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\swamp-puddle.json
Swamp Willow Forest Extended
Name: Swamp Willow Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\willow-forest-extended.json
Swamp Willow Forest
Name: Swamp Willow Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\willow-forest.json
Child: Swamp Willow Forest Extended | Swamp Denmyre | Swamp Marsh
Swamp Beach
Name: Swamp Beach
Vanilla Derivative: beach
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\beach.json
Swampy Marsh
Name: Swampy Marsh
Vanilla Derivative: swamp
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\lake.json
Child: Swamp Marsh
Swamp Ocean tree
Name: Swamp Ocean tree
Vanilla Derivative: ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\ocean-tree.json
Swamp Ocean
Name: Swamp Ocean tree
Vanilla Derivative: ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\ocean.json
Last updated
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