
维度是整个世界最重要的内容, 包含了所生成世界内的一切事物, 也直接影响了世界外观


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    "name": "Tutorial",
    "fluidHeight": 69,
    "regions": [
  • "name": 维度的内部名, 应与所属配置包的名称一致(大小写敏感)

  • "fluidHeight": 该世界的海平面高度, 海平面越高所生成的海域高度也越高

  • ."regions": 该维度所拥有的区域列表, 区域可在该维度的 regions 文件夹内找到



    "deposits": [],
    "focus": "plain",
    "focusRegion": "plains",
    "landChance": 0.5,
    "preventLeafDecay": true,
    "regionStyle": {},
    "regionZoom": 0,
    "landBiomeStyle": {},
    "landZoom": 0


deposits contains all ores you will spawn in your world. This setting is also available in separate Regions and Biomes.

Focus & Focus Region

focus and focusRegion let you select a biome and region respectively which will then become the only biome/region that is generated (very useful for testing).

Land Chance

landChance is the chance the terrain is above the earlier defined fluidHeight, meaning there is land. If you want to make an ocean world, set this to 0

Prevent Leaf Decay

preventLeafDecay allows you to make all leaves on trees persistent. This means you can make massive trees which do not have logs next to every leaf, without having all leaves decay (be removed over time)

Region & Land Style

regionStyle and regionZoom allow you to modify the way regions are placed within the world. regionZoom zooms in on the style. Take inspiration from the Overworld's Settings - RegionStyle.

landBiomeStyle and landZoom allow you to modify the way biomes are placed within regions. landZoom zooms in on the style. Take inspiration from the Overworld's Settings - LandBiomeStyle.

Last updated

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