Biome Parameters Part 2
A not so typical Biome file breakdown. This is going to cover the Object based values in the biomes file. All of the flags and objects, and changes can all be found here and on the previous page
Biome Scatter
You can instead specify multiple biome derivatives to randomly scatter colors in this biome FLOOR. This sets the gradients of colors that are done by derivatives, this is great to set the ground colors to look bruised or else-wise.
Biome Sky Scatter
You can instead specify multiple biome derivatives to randomly scatter colors in this biome SKY. Since 1.13 supports 3D biomes, you can add different derivative colors for anything above the terrain. (Think swampy tree leaves with a desert looking grass surface) This is a great way for setting a 3D color dynamic in leaves or in biome-sky related changes.
Child Style
The child (if set) shape if, and when it is generated If this biome has children biomes, and the gen layer chooses one of this biomes children, How will it be shaped? The map represents the biomes/children very well, See Style to see how to use it
Biome Style
Carve Terrain or not This changes the dispersion of the biome colors if multiple derivatives are chosen. Please See Style to see how to use it, this is just a shape filter
Block Drops
Define custom block drops for this biome Drops are the items that are dropped when broken. This is a universal parameter see here to see how to use it.
Have a biome generate in the midst of this biome List any biome names (file names without.json) here as children. Portions of this biome can sometimes morph into their children. Iris supports cyclic relationships such as A > B > A > B. Iris will stop checking 9 biomes down the tree.
Decorators are used for things like tall grass, bisected flowers, and even kelp or cactus (random heights) This is the best place where you can set the flowers, and organics that are in a per biome basis.
Creates ore & other block deposits underground This ADDS this list of deposits to the dimensional/regional parent. This is explained here, this can be set for multiple parents thus its a dimensional parameter
Effects *
Effects that play in this biome. Effects are ambient effects such as potion effects, random sounds, or even particles around each player. This has a large explanation here.
Entity Initial Spawns
Entity spawns during generation What entity spawns here during the generation of this world. This may soon have support for mythic/other mob providers in the future
Entity Spawn Overrides
If the following entity type spawns, spawn this entity. Set to unknown for any entity spawn. This is a fantastic way to prevent the spawn of a cow or any other vanilla spawned mobs. Maybe Mythic mobs in the future etc...
Generators are a form of STYLE generators:
Style/Generator is the 4-D (that's one more D than 3D) rules that draw the carve layer. Please refer to the Universal Parameters here to see the usage of generators
What Generates in conatiners here in this biome This is a global parameter, and a regional, AND a biome parameter. this is a great breakdown of loot. Beware that by default this stacks with other parent loot rolls unless otherwise specified
Modes "CENTER_HEIGHT": The default place mode. This mode picks a center point (where the center of the object will be) and takes the height. That height is used for the whole object.
"MAX_HEIGHT": Samples a lot of points where the object will cover (horizontally) and picks the highest height, that height is then used to place the object. This mode is useful for preventing any part of your object from being buried though it will float off of cliffs.
"FAST_MAX_HEIGHT": Samples only 4 points where the object will cover (horizontally) and picks the highest height, that height is then used to place the object. This mode is useful for preventing any part of your object from being buried though it will float off of cliffs.
"MIN_HEIGHT": Samples a lot of points where the object will cover (horizontally) and picks the lowest height, that height is then used to place the object. This mode is useful for preventing any part of your object from overhanging a cliff though it gets buried a lot
"FAST_MIN_HEIGHT": Samples only 4 points where the object will cover (horizontally) and picks the lowest height, that height is then used to place the object. This mode is useful for preventing any part of your object from overhanging a cliff though it gets buried a lot
"STILT": Stilting is MAX_HEIGHT but it repeats the bottom most block of your object until it hits the surface. This is expensive because it has to first sample every height value for each x,z position of your object. Avoid using this unless its structures for performance reasons.
"FAST_STILT": Just like stilting but very inaccurate. Useful for stilting a lot of objects without too much care on accuracy (you can use the over-stilt value to force stilts under ground further)
"PAINT": Samples the height of the terrain at every x,z position of your object and pushes it down to the surface. It's pretty much like a melt function over the terrain.
"VACUUM": Applies multiple terrain features into the parallax layer before this object places to distort the height, essentially vacuuming the terrain's heightmap closer to the bottom of this object. Uses MAX_HEIGHT to place
Sea Layers
This is an interesting way to quite literally put text on the surface Please refer to this, for a full explanation of how to use this interesting tool. you can make a trademark per biome if you wanted. the possibilities are strangely endless.
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