
This will cover everything not covered in Understanding. Realise that most of the concepts explained here are more complex than in Understanding. Know that you can always call for help in Discord.

For now we have just thrown in what we had a couple versions ago in this section. It'll be the most outdated section of all for a while. Please be careful :]

Iris in general is very user friendly, you just need to understand the basics. If you don't understand the basics, however, you will be in for a frustrating time in this section, and face lots of problems. We strongly suggest that you toy with the example dimension, region, and biome to familiarize yourself with VSCode, have created and built at least one dimension and know - or have at least read - most of the basics in Understanding.

These pages will feel more like Java Docs (if you know what those are).

  ______                 _   _                _    
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We offer support on our Discord. Ask questions you cannot answer using the Wiki there. We ask you to look on the Wiki for a solution for your issue before going there. Thank you for using Iris!

We are now getting into seriously complex territory. This means that not all support members may have the skill level required to answer your questions. Please bear with us as we try to figure it out ourselves, ha-ha.

  • The Volmit Software Team

Last updated

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