
Objects will spice up your dimension. Trees, structures, village buildings, your imagination is the limit. You find & create objects in the 'objects' folder.


There are many freely available objects in the VolmitSoftware Overworld which you can use.

Iris objects are not the same file format as WorldEdit's .schematic. Iris uses a custom highly compressed and fast file format .IOB.

Objects are used with Jigsaw Structures and can be added to Biomes, Regions and Dimensions.

Video Lecture

Video lectures will be hosted and recorded on the VolmitSoftware Discord.

When a lecture is finished for this topic, it will be uploaded here.


Here is a step-by-step to guide you through creating a new object.

  • Give yourself a wand with /iris object wand

  • Build the object

  • Select the object by:

    • Click one corner with left mouse button, and the other with right mouse button

    • It will show you the selection

  • Save the object by:

    • /iris object save <dimensionName> name=folder/test

This saves the object as */plugins/Iris/packs/<dimensionName>/objects/folder/test.iob

  • You can place the object with /iris object paste folder/test

5 Elements

Five other options that you will likely need when creating objects are:

Figuring out what an object is

If you want to figure out which object you are seeing in the world, use /iris object dust and click the object with the Glowstone. It will print its name in the chat.

Editing an existing object

You need to first hold an /iris object wand for this to work.

Then you run /iris object paste <name> edit=true

It will immediately set your selection to encompass the pasted object.

Modifying your selection

There are multiple commands to help you modify the selection:

  • /iris object <see_below>

    • shift

    • contract

    • x&y

    • x+y

    • p1

    • p2

Hover over these in chat (after running /iris object) to see how they work.

Undoing an object placement

You can undo object placement with /iris object undo

You can undo multiple pastes by adding a number after the command (/iris object undo 5)

Analyzing an object

You can analyze an object by running /iris object analyze <name>. It shows you a lot of information on the object such as size, amount of blocks, and the blocks in the object (with properties).

Last updated

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