Dim Parameters Part 3
A not so typical dimension file breakdown. This is likely going to be one of the longest section in this documentation. Part 2, Key Values in Iris
All Dimensional Array/Set/Objected Parameters
These are the values that list, compile, or involve other objects in the dimension file. The ones below may not have their default values, but are just values set for the purpose of explanations. All of these have a default value so you don't need all of these values, this is merely just to tell you what they do.
Block Drops
Define custom block drops for this dimension Block Drops are the items that are dropped when broken, or are tossed into chests as loot. Drops are a UNIVERSAL PARAMETER, Here is the link for a TOTAL Breakdown of this [Here]
Carve Layers
Define carve layers, If you put this in the file you need to have it defined or remove it. it will cause problems. the carve layers are
Max Height
Min Height
The highest possible carve layer.
The lowest possible carve layer.
carved = (x,y,z) > Threshold
Between 0 and 1
this is a multiplier.
Cave Layers
Define cave layers, If you put this in the file you need to have it defined or remove it. it will cause problems.
Can Break Surface
Cave Thickness
Cave Zoom
The highest possible carve layer.
The lowest possible carve layer.
Horizontal Slope
Vertical Slope
Define biome deposit generators that add onto the existing regional and global deposit generators This is the best way to set ORES that are for the dimension: Overworld, or Nether etc. This can also be set in a REGION or in a BIOME. To see Usage go [Here]
Entity Initial Spawns
Represents an entity spawn during initial chunk generation When an entity is spawned this is run to determine any interaction with that spawn. This is usually a list of objects (entities)
Max Spawns
Min Spawns
This is the entity, if you have a plugin that has a unique ID entity, put that here. EG: "COW"
Max of this entity to spawn on a Single entity chance Spawn
Min of this entity to spawn on a Single entity chance Spawn
The rarity of the Spawn, Min=1, higher = more rare
Entity Spawn Overrides
Cancel Source Spawn
This is a Boolean that prevents the spawn of 'entity' if trigger is passed.
This is the entity, if you have a plugin that has a unique ID entity, put that here. EG: "COW"
The rarity of the Spawn, assuming the trigger is not false, Min=1, higher = more rare
In the event of "ENTITY" spawns, This trigger is true.
This represents the Event of an event spawn When an entity is spawned this is run to determine any interaction with that spawn. This is usually to either challenge that, or change that
Fluid Palette
The palette of blocks for fluid This is the palette where you set what the fluid is going to be. This is what is generally water in the Overworld, only 1 water-level fluid can be set, you can use sub-water layers using [Fluid] subsets in other parents. To learn about how to use palettes go here. Zoom is the only really specific information that is unique, this only uses the style, and multiplies a zoom scale, default at 1.
Try to fill a container with loot up to this many times to avoid too many empty chests. Loot tables are unique to each file. The Dimensional files are global loot, Region and Biome loot all have their own files respectively. To learn about loot go here.
Define biome mutations for this dimension Mutations are an interesting example of Subdivided Biomes. Whenever a biome is next to another biome, you will get a have a connection between the two, this is a great way to cross-fade trees when you have biomes mixing. You need to make the trees and organics that you want to show up, this is meerly just a region where things will propagate. Below is an example of a mutation file
Side A/B
How many times Per chunk will this check for a connection
This is what iris does to the objects, look here to see what happens to the objects
This is a per-block scan radius for placing this mutation
This determines the sides of the mutation, this name is the name of the biome file.
Overlay Noise
Overlay additional noise on top of the interpolated terrain. For example, if you want to overlay IRIS dtyle generator over a flat terrain of the global dimension you can do that here. See Generator to see how to use generators, and the min and max values just affect the min and max block value changes.
Rock Palette
The palette of blocks for 'stone' Assuming that you are in the ground, what are the stones around you going to look like? but this involves Style, and Palette, with zoom, that zoom just being a multiplier of the zoom in or out as usual.
Literally the Sky Create an inverted dimension in the sky (like the nether) This is essentially creating an additional terrain layer directly above you. (inverted) if you want to learn how to use this, it had every single possible parameter that Overworld has. LMAO see Dimension Basics for that. you can put everything that you have in the Overworld in here and you will get a mirror of the Overworld
All of these have the SAME usage, please refer here, to understand how to use style. This specific area will just tell you what they are for
Region Style
Placement style of regions
Cave Biome Style
Placement style of cave biomes
Continental Style
Placement of land/sea
Island Biome Chance Style
Placement style of biomes (fractal water looks cool)
Island Biome Style
Placement style of island Biomes
Lake Biome Style
Placement style of lake biomes
Land Biome Style
Placement style of land/Overworld biomes
River Biome Style
Placement style of river biomes
Sea Biome Style
Placement style of sea biomes
Shore Biome Style
Placement style of shore biomes
Skyland Biome Style
Placement style of Biomes that are set above the terrain
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