Emojis arent just for Emotes, you can use them as "variables" across your server so that when you change the text of the emoji, it updates everywhere such as your server name
Using Emojis
Gloss comes pre-configured with 67 emojis for typical use. However, all emojis can be modified and you can even add your own!
Emojis in-game
Any emoji can be used using :emoji:
. Just like in discord. However some emojis such as :heart:
will also replace <3
For example.
You can tab-complete emojis. For example typing in :air
and hitting tab will tab-complete to the airplane emoji.
You can list emojis ingame via /gloss emoji
Creating Emojis
You can easily create emojis. Here is an example emoji
For the trigger, specifying <uses :id:>
tells gloss that only :<emoji>:
will trigger the emoji. You can change the trigger to replace text into an emoji such as <3
UTF-8 Icons
Utf formatting in minecraft can be weird at times simply because of file formats and methods of reading. To solve this, gloss has a text filter for UTF-8 to replace them. U+<code>;
For example, if we look at the heart utf-8 symbol on utf8icons https://www.utf8icons.com/character/10084/heavy-black-heart. You will see the "Unicode Hex" on the sidebar as U+2764
To use this in gloss simply add a semicolon U+2764;
and that represents a heart in gloss!
Using Emojis as text variables
You can save a lot of time if you place your server name in all your holograms or on your boards. Simply make an emoji named server.json
in the emojis folder.
This will now replace any occurrence of :server:
to &l&dShadow&l&8Realms
in chat, holograms, scoreboards, and tablists. You can now edit the emoji and all sources using the emoji will update too!
Last updated
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