Welcome to the official Iris Dimension Engine Guide!
This documentation is for Iris - Dimension Engine (spigot)
The plugin often develops quicker than the wiki is updated, so there may be inconsistencies. Does something seem off? Contact us on our Discord Server
Добро пожаловать в официальное руководство по Iris Dimension Engine!
Вы можете скачать Iris на Spigot.
Там же предоставлена более подробная информация о функциях плагина.
Если вы хотите быстро начать работу, перейдите к разделу Начало работы.
Если вы хотите создать новое измерение или отредактировать Overworld, смотрите Engine Introduction.
Эта вики находится в процессе разработки. Если что-то отсутствует, непонятно, отличается или не работает, пожалуйста, посетите наш Discord сервер.
Iris features a command system called Decree, which allows us to make new commands easily, and allows you to see all kinds of helpful information on a command.
The main command to access is /iris
. Running this command shows you the main page of commands.
You can hover over any command or parameter to see:
A description
A warning if you do not have permission to use it
Examples of how to use
If a parameter is required or not
If a parameter can be derived from context (such as the world you are in)
The default value of the parameter (if it has one)
The type of a parameter (such as String or Integer, or even IrisDimension or World)
Iris is really good at guessing what you want / filling in the blanks. If you specify a command that is specific for a world, like /iris pregen
, Iris will guess that the world you are currently in (as a player) is the world you want to use the command on. You can always manually input the value if Iris is guessing wrong, by adding it to the command.
You can click any command to either:
Run the command (if it has no parameters. I.e. a subsection)
Suggest the command (put it in your chat box, so you can add further values)
공식 Iris Dimension Engine 가이드에 오신 것을 환영합니다!
Iris 를 SpigotMC 에서 얻으세요.
이 플러그인에 대한 자세한 내용은 그곳에서도 확인할 수 있습니다.
빠르게 시작하려면 시작하기 로 가십시오.
이 가이드는 현재 작성 중입니다. 만약 뭔가가 없거나, 불분명하거나, 다르거나, 작동하지 않는다면, 저희의 Discord 서버 를 방문해 주세요.
¡Bienvenido a la guía oficial de Iris Dimension Engine!
Puede descargar Iris en Spigot.
Ahí podrás ver más características del plugin.
Si quieres saber como empezar, ves a Como Empezar.
Si quieres crear una nueva dimension, o editar el Overworld, puedes mirar Introducción al Motor.
Esta wiki cambia recurrentemente debido al estado del software. Si falta alguna característica, no se entiende algo, algo no funciona... Entra a nuestro servidor de Discord
欢迎阅读 Iris 维度生成引擎的使用手册!
在 Spigot 获取 Iris.
若您想尽快上手插件, 请阅读 Getting Started 页面.
若您想新建一个维度, 或编辑插件所生成的 Overworld, 请阅读 Engine Introduction 页面.
使用手册必须不断编辑以便于阅读, 若有任何不清晰、遗漏、与实际不一致的内容请加入我们的 Discord 服务器
Pregenerating your world will enhance performance by a lot. If all the blocks are already placed, your server can handle much more traffic, than when they have to be generated live.
Thinking about other plugins to pregenerate? Stop. They are not compatible.
Create a world without any players on it (see Getting Started for how you do that)
Pick a size
For selecting the right size, we recommend a number between 2.5k and 12.5k. 2.5k is more than enough for 10 players per day, and 12.5k is more than enough for over a hundred players per day.
This is the value you will use as <radius>
in the next step.
Higher sizes cause increasingly longer generation times.
Be prepared to wait hours up to days for your generation to be finished.
The time depends on the size of the pregen and the hardware of the server.
You can always expand an existing generation -> start small.
Pick a center
Generally you don't need to specify a center
if you want to set the center at your location, use center=self
if you want to set the center by a coordinate, use center=0,0
Run the pregen:
If you are in the world: /iris pregen start <radius>
If you are in the server: /iris pregen start <radius> world=<worldName>
If you are in the console: iris pregen start <radius> world=<worldName>
The <worldName>
is the name of the world.
The <radius>
to select is based on preference and use-case.
Entering a radius of 1000 gives you a 2000 by 2000 world, which means you can travel 1000 blocks in any direction from the center of the world (0, 0). Here is a diagram:
If you need to restart your server during a pregeneration, it is safe to do so at any time. You can ignore any errors about threads not shutting down.
After starting your server again, resume the pregen with the same command you entered before. Iris will skip any chunks that were already generated.
Removing Iris after pregenerating can cause numerous issues. See the FAQ entry about this.
Iris 세계를 순식간에 생성해 낼 수 있는 빠른 시작하기 문서!
아이리스를 빨리 사용하고 싶어하는 건 이해하지만, 당신의 월드가 고장나는 것을 막기 위해 모든 내용을 신중하게 따르는 것이 중요합니다.
Iris 는 얼마든지 월드를 창조하고 생성할 수 있습니다. Iris 는 약간의 매뉴얼과 함께 제공되지만, 우리는 당신을 위해 가능한 한 메뉴얼을 쉽게 유지하려고 노력합니다.
Iris 는 자주 업데이트 합니다 대부분의 다른 플러그인과 달리 Iris 의 업데이트는 해결되는 것보다 더 많은 문제를 일으킬 수 있습니다.
일반적으로 플러그인 또는 월드 팩은 새 월드를 생성할 준비가 되었을 때만 업데이트해야 하고 이전 월드는 삭제해야 합니다.
특정 버그 수정을 찾고 있으며 그 수정된 버전이 현재 사용중인 버전과 비교적 가까운 경우 (예 : 1.8.5 ~ 1.8.7) 안전하게 업데이트할 수 있는지 디스코드 지원 에서 문의하십시오. "1.8.5 에서 1.8.7 로 업데이트하는 것이 안전한가요? [ 이것 ] 과 [ 저것 ] 때문에 업데이트하고 싶어요. "
최신 플러그인 파일을 서버 폴더 안 */plugins
폴더에 넣어 Iris 를 설치합니다.
서버를 시작합니다.
기다립니다. Iris 가 팩을 설치하기 위해 서버를 다시 시작할 겁니다. 수동으로 다시 시작해야 할 수도 있습니다.
콘솔의 Iris 로고 위를 읽고 로드된 커스텀 바이옴 수가 최소 70개인지 확인하여 모든 것이 제대로 되었는지 확인하십시오. 이 숫자는 다를 수 있지만 적은 수라면 문제일 수 있습니다.
숫자가 70 보다 작으면 디스코드 지원 에 문의하십시오.
다음으로 새 월드 만들기 또는 기본 월드 덮어쓰기 중 하나를 수행해야 합니다.
Rift 설치
설치 후 서버를 다시 시작하여 플러그인을 로드해야 합니다!
다음 명령어를 실행하여 월드를 생성하세요: /rift create <worldName> Iris:overworld
절대 Iris 나 iris 라고 불리는 월드는 만들지 마십시오.
다음 명령어를 실행하여 생성한 월드로 이동하세요: /rift to <worldName>
새로운 Iris 월드의 렉을 크게 줄이기 위해 사전 생성 을 고려해보시 바랍니다.
서버를 중지합니다.
폴더에서 데이터 팩 폴더를 제외한 모든 항목 삭제합니다.
파일을 엽니다.
다음 내용을 맨 아래에 추가하세요:
generator: Iris
가 아닌 generator: Iris:overworld
를 써야합니다.
기존 world
와 다른 월드를 사용하시려면 2번째 줄을 월드이름:
으로 바꿔야 합니다.
앞의 예와 같은 들여쓰기를 해야 합니다!
서버를 시작합니다.
새로운 Iris 월드의 렉을 크게 줄이기 위해 사전 생성 을 고려해보시 바랍니다.
저희는 디스코드 에서 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. 만약 오류가 발생하여 해결 방법을 알고 싶은 경우 여기에서 질문을 할 수 있습니다. Iris 를 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다!
Volmit Software
Этот гайд поможет вам понять, как создавать новые миры в iris, в кратчайшие сроки!
Мы понимаем, что вы хотите быстро настроить Iris, но важно тщательно подходить к каждому шагу, чтобы предотвратить ошибки (баги) или полную поломку вашего мира.
Iris может создавать и генерировать для вас любое количество миров. Iris поставляется с небольшим руководством, мы стараемся сделать его более простым для понимания.
Обновления Iris выходят часто. В отличии от большинства других плагинов, обновление Iris может вызвать больше проблем, чем решить их.
В общем, обновлять плагин или пак следует только тогда, когда вы готовы создать новый мир и удалить старый.
Если вы ищете конкретное исправление, а версия, в которой оно исправлено, относительно близка к вашей (например, с 1.8.5 до 1.8.7), лучше спросите у поддержки, не вызовет ли обновление сбой или ошибки.
"Безопасно ли обновляться с 1.8.5 до 1.8.7? Я хочу обновиться из-за <этого> и <того>".
Установите Iris, поместив последнюю версию jar-файла в папку */plugins
Запустите сервер.
Подождите. Iris перезапустит сервер для установки пака. Возможно, вам придется вручную (самостоятельно) запустить его снова.
Убедитесь, прочитав над логотипом Iris в консоли, что все загрузилось правильно и что количество загруженных пользовательских биомов составляет не менее 70. Это число может варьироваться, но меньшее, скорее всего, является проблемой.
Если число ниже 70, обратитесь в поддержку.
Далее, вам нужно:
Создать новый мир или Перезаписать ваш основной мир.
Установите Rift
Обязательно перезапустите сервер после установки, чтобы плагин загрузился!
Создайте мир, написав команду: /rift create <название_мира> Iris:overworld
Никогда не создавайте мир с названием Iris или iris
Телепортируйтесь в этот мир, написав команду: /rift to <название_мира>
Подумайте о том, чтобы сделать Прегенерацию (Pregeneration), чтобы значительно уменьшить лаги в вашем новом мире!
Остановите сервер
Удалите все из папки */world
, кроме папки datapacks
Откройте файл */bukkit.yml
Добавьте в конец файла следующие строки:
Обязательно используйте generator: Iris:overworld
, а неgenerator: Iris
Если вы назвали свой основной мир иначе, чем world:
, то вторую строку следует заменить на <название_вашего_мира>:
Убедитесь, что отступ (табуляция) такой же, как и в предыдущем примере!
Запустите сервер
Подумайте о том, чтобы сделать Прегенерацию (Pregeneration), чтобы значительно уменьшить лаги в вашем новом мире!
Мы можем помочь в нашем Discord сервере. Вы можете задавать свои вопросы там, если, например, столкнулись с ошибкой и хотите знать, как ее исправить.
Спасибо, что пользуетесь Iris!
Команда Volmit Software
快速上手插件, 轻松生成 Iris 世界!
Iris 是版本相关的。 这意味着 X.X.X-1.19.2 只能在 1.19.2 服务器上运行,而不能在其他 Minecraft 版本(如 1.19.3)上运行!
Iris 的更新是很频繁的。与大多数插件不同,更新 Iris 可能会导致更多的问题,甚至比它修复的问题还要多。
这意味着,如果你想将你的服务器更新到一个新的 Minecraft 版本,最好卸载 Iris,只使用它生成过的的区块,世界周围也最好要有一个边界(因为任何新生成的区块都将不再和 Iris 有关系)。
安装 Iris 需要把 最新的 jar 文件 放到文件夹 */plugins
当然,请选择适用于你的服务器版本的最新 Iris 版本。
坐下放松等待。Iris 会重新启动服务器以安装包。 你可能需要再次手动启动服务器。
查看控制台 Iris logo 的上方,并确保加载的 自定义生物群系
的数量至少为 70 个,以确保一切加载顺利。这个数字可能会有所不同,但如果更少,你可能就需要注意了。
很简单!只需要执行 /iris create
导航到你目前的主世界文件夹(通常是 world
将 datapacks
文件夹移动到 -> 你刚刚使用 /iris create
接下来,打开服务器目录下的 server.properties
文件,并搜索 level-name=world
将 world
替换为你的 Iris 世界的名称(你刚刚把 datapacks
有多种选择来访问和管理世界。我们建议使用 Essentials 或 MyWorlds。
不支持 Multiverse。Multiverse 使用过时的方法来初始化世界,并且不允许开发者在初始化世界之前运行代码,这与 Iris 生成世界的方式有冲突。MyWorlds 是我们建议的替代方案。
如果你在设置世界时遇到问题,我们为 1.19.2 提供了带有 Iris 的服务器模板。对于这两个选择,都需要在启动服务器之前安装 Iris 2.3.9-1.19.2。
我们在 Discord 上提供支持。 比如,如果你遇到错误并想知道如何解决它,你可以在那里提问。 感谢你使用 Iris!
Volmit Software 团队
预加载可优化游玩世界时的性能占用, 原理是令世界自己加载区块, 已加载区块无需在玩家接近时再次加载
为了最快的加载速度, 建议使用 Purpur 服务端
准备好一个世界(详见 准备工作)
"准备" 也意味着在进行预加载时服务器内应没有普通玩家, 原因如下:
玩家进行某些操作可能导致服务器线程崩溃, 进而影响预加载
服务器预加载区块时负载较高, 普通玩家的延迟会比平时更高
建议将预加载范围设置在 2500 和 125000 之间 2500 对日均10在线人数的服务器而言不会造成卡顿
125000 对日均100在线人数的服务器而言不会造成卡顿
预加载范围的值相当于下方的 半径
预加载范围越广, 生成世界所需时间越久
准备好为了世界生成而 等待一整天
所需时间不仅基于预加载范围, 还关乎服务器配置
Iris 为地形生成器提供了 HeadLess 模式, 详见 Configuration > Generator > HeadlessPregeneration.
若您在所生成世界内时启用: /iris pregen start 半径
若您在服务器内时启用: /iris pregen start 半径 world=世界名
若在控制台启用: iris pregen start 半径 world=世界名
在游戏内执行命令且需定义世界名时, 可在聊天栏内点击文字以选择世界 在控制台时则可通过补全来选择世界
若半径被定义为1000, 就意味着玩家进入世界后可以 以 X:0 Z:0 为中心
向任意方向移动1000格方块, 但期间不会令服务器加载任何区块!:
预生成期间可随时关闭服务器, 同时会保存进度
יצירת העולם מראש תשפר את הביצועים בהרבה. אם כל הבלוקים כבר ממוקמים, השרת שלכם יכול להתמודד עם הרבה יותר תעבורה, מאשר ליצור אותם בשידור חי.
אנו ממליצים לכם בחום להשתמש ב-Purpur עבור מהירויות היצור הגבוהות ביותר האפשריות.
צריך שיהיה לכם כבר עולם (ראו מתחילים)
"מוכן" אומר גם שלא אמורים להיות שחקנים כלשהם שמשחקים בשרת בזמן שאתם מייצרים מראש, כי:
ידוע כי חוסר יציבות של השרת הנגרמת ממשחק פשוט גורמת לבעיות של הפריג'ן
השרת נמצא תחת עומס כבד כך ששחקנים שמשחקים יכולים וסביר להניח יחוו פיגור רב (לאגים) במהלך המשחק.
בחרו גודל
לבחירת הגודל הנכון אנו ממליצים על מספר בין 2.5k ל-12.5k. 2.5K זה יותר ממספיק ל-10 שחקנים ביום, ו-12.5K זה יותר ממספיק ליותר ממאה שחקנים ביום.
זה הערך שבו תשתמשו בתור <radius> בשלב הבא.
גדלים גדולים יותר גורמים לזמני פריג'ן ארוכים יותר.
היו מוכנים להמתין שעות עד ימים עד שפריג'ן שלכם יסתיים.
הזמן תלוי בגודל שפריג'ן ובחומרה של השרת.
אתם תמיד יכול להרחיב פריג'ן קיים -> התתחילו בקטן.
איירס כולל מצב "ללא ראש", שהוא מעט פחות יציב אבל הרבה יותר מהיר מהמצב הרגיל.. אפשר להפעיל אותו ב- Configuration > Generator > HeadlessPregeneration.
הפעילו את הפריג'ן:
אם אתם נמצאים בתוך העולם: <iris pregen start <radius/
אם אתם בתוך השרת: <iris pregen start <radius> world=<worldName/
אם אתם נמצאים בקונסלה: <iris pregen start <radius> world=<worldName/
ה- <worldName> הוא שם העולם. בעת הזנת הפקודה, ייתכן שיהיה עלייכם לבחור עולם. כשחקן, לחצו על האפשרות בצ'אט. בקונסלה, הקלידו את האפשרות בסרגל הקלט ולחצו על Enter.
ה- <radius> לבחירה מבוסס על העדפה ומקרה שימוש.
הזנת רדיוס של 1000 מעניקה לכם עולם של 2000 על 2000, מה שאומר שאתם יכולים לנסוע 1000 בלוקים בכל כיוון ממרכז העולם (0, 0). הנה תרשים:
אם שאתם צריכים להפעיל מחדש את השרת שלכם במהלך פריג'ן, זה בטוח לעשות זאת בכל עת. אתם יכול להתעלם מכל שגיאה לגבי שרשורים שלא נסגרים.
לאחר הפעלת השרת שלכם שוב, המשיכו את הפריג'ן עם אותה פקודה שהזנת קודם לכן. אייריס תדלג על כל צ'אנקים שכבר נוצרו.
התחלה מהירה כדי לגרום לכם לייצור עולמות אייריס תוך זמן קצר!
אנו מבינים שאתם רוצים להגדיר את אייריס במהירות, אבל חשוב לקחת כל צעד בזהירות כדי למנוע מהעולמות שלכם לא לעבוד.
אייריס יכולה ליצור ולבנות עבורך כל מספר של עולמות. אייריס אמנם מגיעה עם קצת מדריך, אבל אנחנו מנסים לעשות את זה קל ככל האפשר עבורך כאן.
עדכוני אייריס משוחררים לעתים קרובות. בניגוד לרוב הפלאגינים, עדכון אייריס עלול לגרום ליותר בעיות ממה שהוא פותר.
באופן כללי, עלייכם לעדכן את הפלאגין או את החבילה רק כאשר אתם מוכנים ליצור עולם חדש, ולמחוק את העולמות הישנים.
אם אתם מחפשים תיקון באג ספציפי, והגרסה של התיקון קרובה יחסית לשלכם (2.0.3 עד 2.0.5 למשל), שאלו את התמיכה אם אתם יכולים לעדכן בבטחה. "האם זה בטוח לעדכן מ-2.0.3 ל-2.0.5? אני רוצה לעדכן בגלל <זה> ו <זה>"
התקינו את אייריס, על ידי כך שתשימו את הקובץ העדכני ביותר בתוך plugins\*
הפעילו את השרת
חכו. אייריס תפעיל מחדש את השרת כדי להתקין את החבילה. ייתכן שתצתרכו להפעיל אותו שוב באופן ידני.
וודאו שהכל הלך כמו שצריך, על ידי קריאה מעל הלוגו של איירס בקונסולה, וודאו את שמספר ה-ביומות מותאמות אישית
הוא לפחות 70. מספר זה יכול להשתנות, אך סביר להניח שפחות זה בעיה.
אם המספר נמוך מ-70, נסו תחילה לאתחל את השרת שלך, ואם זה לא עובד, צרו קשר.
עצרו. את השרת.
פתחו את הקובץ bukkit.yml/*
הוסיפו את השורות הבאות:
אם אתם רוצים להחליף את העולם הראשי שלכם, החליפו את NAME בשם העולם הראשי שלכם (בדרך כלל פשוט world). אם תבחר באפשרות זו, אתם צריכים למחוק גם את כל מה שבתיקיית העולם מלבד Datapacks כך שלא יהיו נתונים ישנים (וכל הנתונים יהיו של אייריס).
אם אתם רוצים ליצור עולם חדש, החליפו את NAME בשם שאתם רוצים לתת לעולם. אם אתם רוצים ליצור עוד עולם חדש, פשוט תוסיפו ערך נוסף.
אסור ליצור עולם שנקרא Iris או iris. הוא יימחק בכל פעם שתפעיל מחדש.
הפעילו את השרת
שקלו לעשות פריג'ן לעולם בשביל למנוע לאגים בעולם.
ישנן אפשרויות רבות לגשת לעולם. אנחנו תומכים ברובם.
אנו מציעים תמיכה בדיסקורד שלנו. אתם יכולים לשאול שם שאלות אם נתקלתם בשגיאה, ורוצים לדעת איך לתקן אותה. תודה על השימוש במנוע באייריס!
צוות התוכנה של וולמיט
אייריס כוללת מערכת פיקוד בשם Decree, המאפשרת לנו לבצע פקודות חדשות בקלות, ומאפשרת לכם לראות כל מיני מידע מועיל על פקודה.
הפקודה הראשית בשביל לקבל את כל המידע היא iris/
. הרצת הפקודה הזאת תציג לכם את רשימת הדפים של הפקודות.
אפשר לרחף מעל כל פקודה בשביל לראות:
אזהרה אם אין לך הרשאה להשתמש בפקודה
דוגמאות לשימוש
אם יש צורך בפרמטר או לא
אם ניתן לגזור פרמטר מהקשר (כגון העולם שבו שאתם נמצאים)
ערך ברירת המחדל של הפרמטר (אם יש לו כזה)
סוג הפרמטר (כגון מחרוזת או מספר שלם, או אפילו IrisDimension או World)
אתם יכולים ללחוץ על כל פקודה בשביל:
הפעלת הפקודה (אם אין לה פרמטרים, כלומר תת-סעיף)
הצעת הפקודה (שימו אותה בתיבת הצ'אט שלכם, כדי שתוכלו להוסיף ערכים נוספים)
Iris configuration files
This configuration is small because all world configuration is done in Packs.
We have introduced a hot-loading feature for these settings, meaning they should automatically update in the server.
Updating settings related to Pregeneration are not hot-loaded during pregeneration!
These are the general settings that you would need to change for changing core functionalities of the software.
commandSounds: When enabled, plays sounds when using commands.
debug: When true, enables an extreme dump of information about Iris' internals working. Great for debugging a specific problem, terrible to read.
disableNMS: When enabled, turns NMS usage off. We use NMS (Minecraft's raw source code) for getting biome details, registering custom biome names, registering tile entities and more. Turning this setting to true
will disable all these systems but may cause a lot of issues. Better not to touch.
pluginMetrics: This toggles plugin metrics for bstats. It helps us know what people are using so we can improve the plugin. All information is anonymous. Please leave this on :)
splashLogoStartup: Prints the fancy Iris logo on startup, if enabled.
useConsoleCustomColors: Use custom colors in the console.
useCustomColorsIngame: Use custom colors in game.
forceMainWorld: Force Datapacks to be in another folder. Best to leave empty.
spinh & spins & spinb: These dictate the gradients of the colors in the console and in-game.
Settings for generating worlds, among others.
asyncTeleport can be enabled and modifies the way players are teleported to (new) Iris worlds. If this is set to true, requests are handled asynchronously and chunks are generated async as well. The loadViewDistance is the distance (radius) in which chunks are prepared. The request can also be marked urgent which makes the server handle it more quickly.
postLoadBlockUpdates toggles whether Iris schedules block updates, or immediately runs them upon generation. This means that any block that is updated (such as the walls of caves, areas near water, etc) will be done while generating. This makes pregeneration much slower, but will have a decent performance improvement when the world is being used.
forcePersistEntities makes persistent in chunks, meaning mob spawns will be stored in the metadata Iris stores for each chunk, instead of it being queried from the pack.
anbientEntitySpawningSystem automatically spawns mobs in the area near the player as configured.
asyncTickIntervalMS is the delay beween entity spawn checks (higher = more performant, lower = more accurate mob counts)
targetSpawnEntitiesPerChunk modifies the amount of entities that Iris tries to spawn per chunk on a global level. If it is configured that 10 zombies should be spawned at any time, while this is on 0.9, there will be 9 zombies at any time.
markerEntitySpawningSystem toggles whether markers (specific locations in buildings) will be used to spawn entities at those locations.
effectSystem toggles whether particle effects are used in the world (such as little smoke clouds in the desert, pixie particles in the jungle, etc)
This is just a simple settings for toggling Iris' GUIs that pop up. If you have a hosted server you may want to disable them as you cant see them anyways.
useServerLaunchedGuis: When true, launches a GUI on Pregeneration start.
maximumPregenGuiFPS: When true, makes the FPS of the pregeneration GUI a lot higher but will also increase CPU usage, decreasing pregeneration speed. If you want to enjoy watching the GUI for a while, turn this to true
, but keep it false
if you are looking for maximum performance.
These are the Generator settings, they allow you to modify key elements of the Engines core functionality.
defaultWorldType: This changes the default pack Iris uses when any command that uses the default pack.
maxBiomeChildDepth: Iris supports cyclic biome references. I.e. desert
could have a child biome savanna
and savanna
could in turn have child biome desert
if you design it that way. This parameter stops biomes from infinitely generating children. Unless your biomes really take advantage of more than 5 layers of biome children (depth), there is usually no need to increase this.
preventLeafDecay: When true, prevents the active decay of leaves by setting them all to persistent.
parallelism: This setting dictates how many threads iris is allowed to use/make set it to -1 allows iris to dictate what its using leave this at -1 if you don't know how threads work. -2 sets the amount of threads to half the available, -4 to a fourth. You can also set this to 6, for example, which allows Iris to use 6 threads.
Studio mode allows you to design worlds with projects. This feature is used when designing worlds with a local server.
studio: When true, studio mode is activated and can be used.
openVSCode: When true, Iris automatically opens VSCode when you open a studio world.
disableTimeAndWeather: When true, time & weather changes do not happen in studio worlds.
autoStartDefaultStudio: When starting the server, this will start a studio world immediately.
Pregeneration settings for caching, specifically within Mantle. Don't modify unless you have some idea of what you're doing. These affect the caches and mantle, two integral parts of the engine & generator.
trimMantleInStudio toggles whether a truncated, more performant, mantle is used for studio worlds. Set this to true if you are not editing entities, interested in finding objects, or knowing which biome you are in, while in studio worlds, but want better performance.
mantleKeepAliveSeconds: The number of seconds after which cached mantle data is invalidated and saved. The higher this is, the more RAM you need during pregen. The default is suitable for pregen. Increasing this number further will not help much, compared to how much extra RAM it costs, unless you have really slow drive.
cacheSize: Iris caches a lot of data during generation. This saves a lot of time during generation but takes some extra memory. This cache is the cache each individual stream of data can use at most. This number was generated with an optimization function, changing it is not advisable.
resourceLoaderCacheSize modifies the cache size for any non-script and non-object configuration file. Increasing this increases the RAM requirement of your server, for a small performance boost to pregeneration.
objectLoaderCacheSize modifies the cache size for objects. Higher requires more RAM, but increases performance.
scriptLoaderCacheSize modifies the cache size for scripts. Higher requires more RAM, but increases performance.
Iris tiene una gran variedad de comandos, tiene incluido un sistema de comandos llamado Decree, el cual nos permite hacer comandos de manera bastante fácil y permite ver información de estos.
El comando principal es /iris
. Ejecutar este comando mostrará la página principal de comandos.
Puede pasar el cursor por encima de cualquier comando o parámetro para ver lo siguiente:
Una advertencia si no tiene permiso para usarlo
Ejemplos de uso
Información sobre los parámetros
El valor por defecto de los parámetros (si lo tiene)
El tipo de parámetro (ya sea un texto, entero, IrisDimension o un mundo)
Puede hacer clic en cualquier comando para:
Ejecutar el comando (si no tiene parámetros)
Sugerir el comando (se copiará en el chat para que pueda ser modificado)
Прегенерация вашего мира значительно повышает производительность. Если все блоки уже сгенерированы, сервер сможет выдержать гораздо больший трафик, чем если бы их пришлось генерировать в наст.момент.
Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам использовать ядро Purpur для максимально возможной скорости генерации.
Подготовьте мир (см. раздел Начало работы)
"Подготовка" также означает, что на сервере не должно быть игроков, играющих во время прегенерации, потому что:
Нестабильность основного потока сервера, вызванная простой игрой, как известно, вызывает проблемы с прегенерацией, и
Сервер находится под большой нагрузкой, поэтому игроки на сервере могут испытывать и, скорее всего, будут испытывать большие задержки (лаги) во время игры.
Выберите размер (радиус)
Для выбора правильного размера мы рекомендуем число между 2,5 тыс. и 12,5 тыс.
2,5 тыс. более чем достаточно для 10 игроков в день, а 12,5 тыс. - для более чем сотни игроков в день.
Это значение вы будете использовать в качестве <радиуса>
в следующем шаге.
Более большие размеры приводят к увеличению времени генерации.
Будьте готовы ждать от нескольких часов до нескольких дней, пока генерация будет завершена.
Время зависит от размера прегена и аппаратного обеспечения сервера.
Вы всегда можете расширить существующую генерацию, поэтому начните с малого.
Iris имеет режим Headless, который немного менее стабилен, но намного быстрее, чем обычный режим. Включите его в Configuration > Generator > HeadlessPregeneration.
Запустите преген командами:
Если вы находитесь в мире: /iris pregen start <радиус>
Если вы находитесь на сервере: /iris pregen start <радиус> world= <название_мира>
Если вы находитесь в консоли: iris pregen start <радиус> world= <название_мира>
- это название вашего мира. При вводе команды вам может потребоваться выбрать мир. Если вы находитесь на сервере, нажмите на нужный вариант в чате. Если вы делаете это в консоли введите параметр в строку ввода и нажмите enter.
Выбор <радиуса> зависит от предпочтений и условий использования.
Введя радиус 1000, вы получите мир размером 2000 на 2000, что означает, что вы можете перемещаться на 1000 блоков в любом направлении от центра мира (0, 0). Вот диаграмма:
Если вам необходимо перезагрузить сервер во время прегенерации, это можно сделать в любое время. Вы можете игнорировать любые ошибки о том, что потоки не завершаются.
После повторного запуска сервера возобновите прегенерацию с помощью той же команды, которую вы ввели ранее. Iris пропустит все части, которые уже были сгенерированы.
Pregenerar su mundo mejorará el rendimiento de su servidor considerablemente. Si todos los chunks están pregenerados, su servidor puede soportar mucho más tráfico en comparación a si lo tuviese que ge
Cree un mundo sin ningún jugador en el (puede ver Como Empezar si no sabe como hacer eso)
Elije un tamaño
Para seleccionar el tamaño correcto recomendamos un número entre 2.5k y 12.5k. 2.5k es más que suficiente para un servidor con 10 jugadores por día, y 12.5k es más que suficiente para un servidor con más de 100 jugadores por día.
Este es el valor que se usará como radio en el siguiente paso.
Cuanto mayor sea el tamaño, más tiempo de generación tendrá.
La pregeneración puede tardar de horas a días hasta que esta acabe.
El tiempo depende del tamaño a pregenerar y el hardware del servidor.
Siempre que quieras puedes expandir el mundo, debido a esto es recomendable empezar con un mundo pequeño e ir expandiendo poco a poco.
Configure el centro
Normalmente no se necesita especificar el centro.
Si quiere configurar el centro a su posición actual puede usar center=self
Si quiere configurar el centro a unas coordenadas puede usar center=0,0
Comienze la pregeneración
Si está en el mundo: /iris pregen start <radio>
Si está en el servidor: /iris pregen start <radio> world=<nombre del mundo>
Si está desde la consola: /iris pregen start <radio> world=<nombre del mundo>
El <radio> se escoge en base a preferencia y uso.
Escoger un radio de 1000, genera un mundo de 2000x2000 bloques, lo que significa que podrás viajar 1000 bloques en cualquier direción. Un ejemplo visual:
Si necesita reiniciar su servidor mientras pregenera un mundo, es seguro hacerlo en cualquier momento. Puede ignorar cualquier error que pueda llegar a aparecer en la consola.
Después de reiniciar su servidor, puede resumir la pregeneración con el mismo comando que ha usado antes. Iris ignorará los chunks que ya haya generado.
ברוכים הבאים למדריך הרשמי של Iris Dimension Engine!
Una guía rápida para generar un mundo con Iris!
Iris es dependiente de la versión. Esto significa que X.X.X-1.19.2 solo funcionará con servidores 1.19.2 y no con otras versiones como la 1.19.3.
Este tutorial se ha hecho con Purpur. Recomendamos que lo uses. Paper también está soportado. Spigot también está soportado pero carece de características claves, en especial las relacionadas con el rendimiento. Por favor use Paper o un fork de este para poder disfrutar de todas las características que ofrece el plugin.
A diferencia de otros plugins, Iris se actualiza constantemente, actualizar Iris puede causar más problemas de los que resuelve.
Le recomendamos solo actualizar el plugin o pack cuando quiera crear un nuevo mundo y borrar el antiguo.
Cuando quiera actualizar su servidor a una nueva versión de Minecraft, es recomendable desinstalar Iris y usar el mundo como está (sin generar más chunks).
Puede instalar Iris arrastrando el último jar en la carpeta `*/plugins`.
Por supuesto, use la última versión disponible de Iris para la versión de su servidor.
Inicie el servidor.
Espere a que Iris reinicie el servidor para instalar el pack. Puede que tenga que encender el servidor manualmente.
¿Por qué Iris reinicia el servidor?
Asegúrate de que todo ha ido bien, puede comprobarlo leyendo el texto encima del logo de Iris y revisando que la cantidad de biomas (Custom Biomes) es mayor a 70. Este número puede variar dependiendo de la versión, pero no supone un problema.
¡Muy simple! Ejecuta /iris create
Apague su servidor.
Ves a la carpeta de su mundo (generalmente suele ser la carpeta */world
Mueve la carpeta de datapacks
a la carpeta de datapacks al mundo que acaba de crear (el nombre del mundo es el que usó como parámetro cuando lo creo, por ejemplo /iris create prueba
creará una carpeta llamada prueba).
Abra el archivo server.properties
y busque la opción level-name=world.
Reemplaze el nombre por el mundo que creo previamente (en el ejemplo anterior sería prueba, por ende level-name=prueba
Inicie el servidor
Hay multiples maneras de acceder y de administrar su mundo. Aunque recomendamos el uso de Essentials o MyWorlds.
Multiverse no está soportado. Multiverse usa métodos desactualizados para inicializar mundos, y no permite que los desarrolladores ejecuten código antes de inicializar el mundo, el cual está en conflicto con la manera que tiene Iris de generar los mundos. MyWorlds es nuestra alternativa sugerida.
Si está teniendo problemas configurando sus mundos, nosotros proveemos servidores prefabricados para la versión 1.19.2. Para ambas opciones es necesario instalar Iris 2.3.9-1.19.2 antes de que inicie el servidor.
Servidor con Iris como mundo principal
Servidor con Iris como mundo secundario (con mundo principal vanilla)
Ofrecemos soporte en nuestro Discord. Puede preguntar sus dudas ahí si se encuentra con un error y quiere saber como arreglarlo. ¡Gracias por usar Iris!
El Equipo de Software de Volmit
A quick start to get you generating Iris worlds in no-time!
Generally speaking, do not update Iris. More information in the FAQ.
Install Iris by putting the latest jar file in the */plugins
Of course, use the latest Iris version available for your server version, unless you already have other Iris worlds you want to keep.
Start the server.
Wait. Iris will restart the server to install the pack. You may need to manually start it again.
Make sure it all went right, by reading above the Iris logo in the console, and making sure the number of loaded Custom Biomes
is at least 70. This number can vary, but less is likely a problem.
Simple! Run /iris create
Create a new world with the command above
Stop the server
Navigate to the folder of your main world (usually just the world
Move the datapacks
folder from that folder -> to the folder with the name of the world you created with /iris create
Next, open your server.properties
file and search for level-name=world
Replace world
with the name of your Iris world (where you just moved the datapacks
folder to)
If you want to keep your current end or nether, you need to rename the world_nether
and world_the_end
folders to be newname_nether
and newname_the_end
(replacing newname
with the name of the world you created with /iris create
). Otherwise, a new nether and end will be generated.
Start the server
There are multiple options to access and manage worlds.
Multiverse is not supported. See Compatibility.
We offer support on our Discord. You can ask questions there if you run into an error, for example, and want to know how to fix it. Thank you for using Iris!
The Volmit Software Team
У Iris есть система команд под названием Decree, которая позволяет нам легко создавать новые команды, а также позволяет просматривать всевозможную полезную информацию о командах.
Основная команда для доступа это /iris
. Прописав эту команду, вы увидите основное меню с командами.
Вы можете навести курсор на любую команду или параметр, чтобы увидеть:
Предупреждение, если у вас нет разрешения использовать что-то
Примеры использования (как что-то использовать)
Обязателен ли параметр или нет
Может ли быть параметр получен из контекста (например, мир, в котором вы находитесь)
Значение параметра по умолчанию (если оно есть)
Тип параметра (например, String или Integer, или даже IrisDimension или World)
Вы можете нажать любую команду, чтобы:
Выполнить команду (если у нее нет параметров. т.е. подразделов)
Предложить команду (т.е. поместить ее в окно чата, чтобы можно было добавить дополнительные значения)
Это не программное обеспечение VolmitSoftware, оно является побочным продуктом системы Decree, которую использует Iris.
Archivos de configuración
La configuración de Iris no es muy externa ya que la configuración está hecha mayormente por los Packs.
Hemos añadido configuración "hot-loading" para estos ajustes, esto significa que deberían actualizarse en el servidor automaticamente.
Estos son los ajustes generales que no cambian características esenciales del plugin.
commandSounds: Se des/habilita que se ejecute un sonido cuando se ejecuta un comando.
debug: Si está en true
, este mostrará mucha información sobre Iris. Hecho para encontrar bugs o errores para un error especifico (horrible de leer).
disableNMS: Si se habilita, deshabilita el uso de NMS. Usamos NMS (el código de minecraft) para leer detalles de un bioma, registrar biomas personalizados, registrar tile entities y mucho más. Habilitar esto puede causar muchos problemas, es recomendable no tocarlo.
pluginMetrics: Esto des/habilita que se pueda registrar el uso del plugin.
splashLogoStartup: Imprime en pantalla el logo de Iris.
useConsoleCustomColors: Uso de colores personalizados en la consola.
useCustomColorsIngame: Uso de colores personalizados en el juego.
forceMainWorld: Fuerza que los datapacks estén en otro directorio. Mejor no tocar.
spinh & spins & spinb: Estos configuran la gradiente de los colores de la consola y el juego.
Ajustes para el mundo, y otros.
asyncTeleport: Esta opción modifica la manera en la que los jugadores son teletransportados a un mundo de Iris. Si está habilitado las peticiones se manejan de una manera asíncrona y los chunks son generados de la misma manera. La opción loadViewDistance es la distancia (radio) en la que se preparan los chunks. Las peticiones también pueden ser urgent lo que hace que el servidor pueda manejarlas más rápido.
postLoadBlockUpdates: Cambia la manera en la cual Iris programa las actualizaciones de los bloques. Esto significa que las actualizaciones de bloques se harán al mismo momento que estos sean cargados. Esta hace que la pregeneración sea muy lenta, pero tendrá una mayor capacidad cuando el mundo se esté usando.
forcePersistEntities: Hace que los chunks sean persistentes, esto significa que los mobs no despawnearan cuando el chunk se descargue.
ambientEntitySpawningSystem: Spawnea mobs automaticamente alrededor del jugador.
targetSpawnEntitiesPerChunk: modifica la cantidad de entidades que Iris trata de spawnear por chunk. Si está configurado que 10 zombis sean spawneados en cualquier momento y está opción esta en 0.6, solo habrán 6 zombis por chunk.
markerEntitiesSpawningSystem: Des/habilita si se deberían usar coordenadas específicas para spawnear entidades.
effectSystem: Des/habilita el uso de particulas en el mundo.
קבצי תצורה של אייריס
הוספנו תכונת טעינה "חמה" עבור הגדרות אלה, כלומר הן אמורות להתעדכן אוטומטית בשרת.
אלו הן ההגדרות הכלליות שתצטרכו לשנות בשביל לעדכן פונקציונליות הליבה של התוכנה.
commandSounds: כאשר מופעל, משמיע צלילים בעת שימוש בפקודות.
debug: .כאשר זה מופעל, מאפשר איסוף מוגזם של מידע על התפקוד הפנימי של אייריס .מצוין לאיתור באגים בבעיה ספציפית, קשה לקרוא ולהבין
NMS - קוד המקור הגולמי של מיינקראפט
.כאשר מופעל זה, מכבה את השימוש ב-קוד המקור הגולמי של מיינקראפט
אנו משתמשים ב-קוד המקור הגולמי של מיינקראפט
לקבלת פרטי ביומה, רישום שמות ביומה מותאמים אישית, רישום ישויות צ'אנקים ועוד
-הפיכת הגדרה זו ל
תשבית את כל המערכות הללו אך עלולה לגרום לבעיות רבות. עדיף לא לגעת
splashLogoStartup: מדפיס את הלוגו המפואר של איירס בעת ההפעלה, אם מופעל
useConsoleCustomColors: השתמשו בצבעים מותאמים אישית בקונסולה.
useCustomColorsIngame: השתמש בצבעים מותאמים אישית במשחק.
forceMainWorld: להיות בתיקייה אחרת הכי טוב להשאיר ריק Datapacksכפה על
spinh & spins & spinb: אלה מכתיבים את שיפוע הצבעים בקונסולה ובמשחק.
הגדרות ליצירת עולמות, בין היתר.
asyncTeleport can be enabled and modifies the way players are teleported to (new) Iris worlds. If this is set to true, requests are handled asynchronously and chunks are generated async as well. The loadViewDistance is the distance (radius) in which chunks are prepared. The request can also be marked urgent which makes the server handle it more quickly.
postLoadBlockUpdates toggles whether Iris schedules block updates, or immediately runs them upon generation. This means that any block that is updated (such as the walls of caves, areas near water, etc) will be done while generating. This makes pregeneration much slower, but will have a decent performance improvement when the world is being used.
forcePersistEntities makes persistent in chunks, meaning mob spawns will be stored in the metadata Iris stores for each chunk, instead of it being queried from the pack.
anbientEntitySpawningSystem automatically spawns mobs in the area near the player as configured.
asyncTickIntervalMS is the delay beween entity spawn checks (higher = more performant, lower = more accurate mob counts)
targetSpawnEntitiesPerChunk modifies the amount of entities that Iris tries to spawn per chunk on a global level. If it is configured that 10 zombies should be spawned at any time, while this is on 0.9, there will be 9 zombies at any time.
markerEntitySpawningSystem toggles whether markers (specific locations in buildings) will be used to spawn entities at those locations.
effectSystem toggles whether particle effects are used in the world (such as little smoke clouds in the desert, pixie particles in the jungle, etc)
This is just a simple settings for toggling Iris' GUIs that pop up. If you have a hosted server you may want to disable them as you cant see them anyways.
maximumPregenGuiFPS: When true, makes the FPS of the pregeneration GUI a lot higher but will also increase CPU usage, decreasing pregeneration speed. If you want to enjoy watching the GUI for a while, turn this to true
, but keep it false
if you are looking for maximum performance.
These are the Generator settings, they allow you to modify key elements of the Engines core functionality.
defaultWorldType: This changes the default pack Iris uses when any command that uses the default pack.
maxBiomeChildDepth: Iris supports cyclic biome references. I.e. desert
could have a child biome savanna
and savanna
could in turn have child biome desert
if you design it that way. This parameter stops biomes from infinitely generating children. Unless your biomes really take advantage of more than 5 layers of biome children (depth), there is usually no need to increase this.
preventLeafDecay: When true, prevents the active decay of leaves by setting them all to persistent.
parallelism: This setting dictates how many threads iris is allowed to use/make set it to -1 allows iris to dictate what its using leave this at -1 if you don't know how threads work. -2 sets the amount of threads to half the available, -4 to a fourth. You can also set this to 6, for example, which allows Iris to use 6 threads.
Studio mode allows you to design worlds with projects. This feature is used when designing worlds with a local server.
studio: When true, studio mode is activated and can be used.
openVSCode: When true, Iris automatically opens VSCode when you open a studio world.
disableTimeAndWeather: When true, time & weather changes do not happen in studio worlds.
autoStartDefaultStudio: When starting the server, this will start a studio world immediately.
Pregeneration settings for caching, specifically within Mantle.
trimMantleInStudio toggles whether a truncated, more performant, mantle is used for studio worlds. Set this to true if you are not editing entities, want to find objects, or know which biome you are in, while in studio worlds, but want better performance.
mantleKeepAliveSeconds: The amount of seconds after which cached mantle data is invalidated and saved. The higher this is, the more RAM you need during pregen. The default is suitable for pregen. Increasing this number further will not help much, compared to how much extra RAM it costs.
cacheSize: Iris caches a lot of data during generation. This saves a lot of time during generation, but takes some extra memory. This cache is the cache each individual stream of data can use at most. This number was generated with an optimization function, changing it is not advisable.
resourceLoaderCacheSize modifies the cache size for any non-script and non-object configuration file. Increasing this increases the RAM requirement of your server, for a small performance boost to pregeneration.
objectLoaderCacheSize modifies the cache size for objects. Higher requires more RAM, but increases performance.
scriptLoaderCacheSize modifies the cache size for scripts. Higher requires more RAM, but increases performance.
Iris has support for Mythic Mobs 5.
The "type": "CAT"
does not actually change anything. It just makes sure Iris accepts the entity.
As seen here, to make Iris spawn a mythic mob, you'll need to create a new Iris entity file with specialType
, where you prefix the name with MythicMobs:
See the MythicMobs wiki:
Overview of (in)compatible plugins
World Generator plugins and Datapacks are often incompatible as they (automatically) overwrite too much for Iris to still (peacefully) coexist.
Plugins that forcefully (un)load Iris are always incompatible.
Random teleportation plugins are often incompatible, but we offer alternatives below.
Эта система команд называется Decree. Изначально мы встроили Decree в Iris, но Coco делает отдельную версию, которую вы можете получить и использовать самостоятельно.
Эта версия Decree была переделана с нуля и является незавершенной. Возможно, официальное объявление появится в , после того, как мы завершим работу над этой версией.
Actualizar los ajustes relacionados a la no son "hot-loaded" mientras se haga la pregeneración.
התצורה של איירס עצמה קטנה מכיוון שכל תצורת העולם נעשית בחבילות (עוד מידע )
עדכון הגדרות הקשורות ל-אינן מתעדכנות אוטומטית במהלך ה-פריג'ן!
pluginMetrics: -זה מכבה את מדדי הפלאגין עבור כל המידע הוא אנונימי. זה עוזר לנו לדעת במה אנשים משתמשים כדי שנוכל לשפר את התוסף :) אנא השאירו את זה פועל
useServerLaunchedGuis: When true, launches a GUI on start.
若定义为 true
, 则本体配置相较于简单的
与 有关的选项不会热加载
You can spawn mythic mobs in custom biomes by following this format, More info .
VSCode will autocomplete Mythic Mob names installed on the server if you are using , too!
And specifically
Compatible plugins are .
Pregeneration plugins are always incompatible due to the unique nature in which Iris generates. Other plugins that call functions to generate specific chunks are likely also incompatible. We have .
若定义为 true, 则在执行命令后
若定义为 true
, 则提示调试信息
(简单理解为 Iris 运作的详细信息).
若定义为 true
, 则禁用 NMS
Iris 使用 NMS (原版服务端内容)
禁用 NMS 后将禁用这些系统
若定义为 true
, 则将服务端所使用插件
记录给开发者, 记录是匿名的, 无需担心隐私
若定义为 true
, 则在服务器启动时在控制台内生成 Iris 的图标
若定义为 true
, 控制台内的 Iris 插件信息
若定义为 true
, 聊天栏内的 Iris 插件信息
若定义为 true
, 则将指定配置包的数据包
放入另一文件夹内, 建议放空
spinh & spins & spinb
若将enable定义为 true
则将玩家进入 Iris 所生成世界与进入时预加载区块 的线程模式
设为异步处理, 若将urgent定义为 true
,会令 Iris 更快处理这件事
loadViewDistance 表预加载范围的半径(格方块)
若定义为 true
则 Iris 在生成世界时异步加载区块
若定义为 true
若定义为 true
尝试生成实体的间隔, 单位: 刻
如定义为 0.7
若定义为 true
则按照配置包, 在已标记位置生成实体
若定义为 true
若定义为 true
则在 预加载 时弹出进度GUI
若定义为 true
则令GUI看上去更为华丽, 但性能开销更大
若执行生成世界命令时尚未定义 type=
若定义为 true
决定 Iris 可调用多少服务器线程
若定义为 true
若定义为 true
启动VS Code
若定义为 true
若定义为 true
若定义为 true
则启用 Mantle 模式
Mantle 模式下的缓存将被保存多久(秒)
Want to use other plugins?
Want to use datapacks?
Check for compatibility!
Are commands confusing?
Want some tips?
Check the commands!
Found the config.yml?
Want to know what's what?
Check the configuration!
MyWorlds (plugin)
MyWorlds is our suggested world manager plugin. It properly calls Native Minecraft Source functions we need to run our plugin. See also their documentation.
EssentialsX is another way of getting to other worlds on your server.
Terrralith (datapack)
No alternative available. Ask the developer to add compatibility if you need it.
EWG (plugin)
EpicWorldGenerator is incompatible if you want to use Iris for your main world, as it automatically overwrites your main world.
RWG (plugin)
RealisticWorldGenerator is incompatible if you want to use Iris for your main world, as it automatically overwrites your main world.
PlugManX (plugin)
Hotload plugins are incompatible if they load Iris. You may be able to use them if you install Iris while the server is off, but no guarantees.
Region Manager (plugin)
This plugin is not compatible with Iris. There are currently no alternatives.
Multiverse (plugin)
לאיריס יש תמיכה ב-MythicMobs 5.
אפשר לשגר ישויות בביומות של אייריס, בשביל עוד מידע לחצו פה
"type": "CAT"
לא משנה כלום למעשה. זה רק מוודא שאיריס תקבל את הישות.
כמו שאפשר לראות כאן, בשביל לגרום לאייריס לעשות שיגור לישויות אנחנו צריכים ליצור קובץ אייריס אם סוג היישות המיוחד, יחד אם המזהה שלה בתוך הפלאגין MythicMobs
ה VSCode ישלים אוטומטית שמות Mythic Mob המותקנים בשרת אם אתם משתמשים באייריס סטודיו!
בגלל ש-MythicMobs לא תומך בביומות מותאמות אישית של אייריס, אז יכול להיות קשה להשתמש ב-MythicMobs כדי לשגר ישיות באקראיות בתוך ביומות אייריס.
עם זאת, אתם יכולים להשתמש בפלאגין הזה כדי להוסיף תמיכה לביומות אייריס הנקראות RealBiomeCondition.
Iris has support for Mythic Mobs 5.x
Iris provides some basic placeholders while in Iris Worlds
Desert Hills
or Production
אייריס מספקת כמה מצייני מיקום בסיסיים בזמן איריס עולמות
Desert Hills
or Production
Iris tiene soporte para MythicMobs 5
Puedes spawnear mobs en biomas personalizados usando este formato, más información en Entidades
El valor "type": "CAT", no cambia nada, simplemente es para asegurar que Iris acepte la entidad.
Como se puede apreciar en el código, para poder crear una entidad con MythicMobs se deberá usar el valor specialType
(tipo especial), donde se especifica el prefijo MythicMobs:
VSCode y Iris Studio autocompletarán los nombres de Mythic Mobs
Ya que Mythic Mobs no soporta biomas personalizados, es difícil hacer que sus entidades se generen en lugares alteatorios en el bioma correspondiente.
Puede ver una lista de los biomas aquí
Iris tiene algunas placeholders
All iris questions that we can think of will be put here
There is a table of contents on the right.
Updating Iris is not like any other plugin. To draw a comparison between Iris and Minecraft - When you update your server's Minecraft version, it will result in any new chunk that is generated to not be aligned with existing chunks, in every vanilla world.
Iris generates worlds for you as well, and it has the same problem. The difference is that Iris updates a lot, and Minecraft barely, which makes users think it is safe to update, when in reality, it may do more harm than good.
A quote from our lead developer:
Generally, it's not possible to do something like that without ending up with hard borders / having to edit millions of chunks possibly. By changing the biome map, everything changes. Things that were a desert are now a forest. I could blend it by using an interpolator, but... ignoring the intense CPU [required for] that, it would still look terrible, because it would still look like a wall, just smoother, and the biomes would still be cut-off. Just update when you're ready to make a new map, it's not a big issue 😛
Make a backup before proceeding. Thank yourself later.
You can now update the Iris plugin. If you are sure you want to update Iris, make sure to also update the Overworld pack on your server.
Updating should only be done when needed, or when you are ready to update the content from the latest release. This goes for both the Plugin as the Overworld pack.
This command does not update the current Overworld that is in any active Iris world, but only the one in the */plugins/Iris/packs
folder. Thus, it only applies to new worlds. This is also why you need to make sure you are ready to delete all existing Iris worlds and create new ones.
Updating loaded worlds can cause terrible transitions between old and new chunks, among other issues, which is why the option below is advised against.
NOT RECOMMENDED - Use at your own risk. Know what you are doing. This can and likely will cause issues in your world! You must back-up before doing this. We will not provide support if you did not.
There are many things Iris controls which will break when you uninstall the plugin. A lot of these features may cause issues in survival servers, so we strongly recommend keeping Iris installed.
Features that are likely to break:
New chunks will not be custom: New chunks will be normal vanilla chunks which do not align properly with existing chunks. Removing these manually can be difficult if you wish to amend it.
Custom height modifications: Iris is responsible for setting the max height to something different than vanilla. If you remove Iris, this will not be ensured with every world, and you may end up with mountains cut-off at the new - wrong - build limit.
World Shifting: A less probable bug, but one that can still seriously mess up your worlds is that certain parts of the world may be shifted up 64 blocks. This allows people to get below the bedrock, breaks the terrain and can even cut player-built buildings in half.
Custom leaf decay systems: Iris spawns custom trees which have leaves which are too far away from logs without them decaying. Iris controls leaf decay systems and uninstalling the plugin may result in leaves being removed where they shouldn't.
Strongholds cannot be found with eyes of ender: Iris allows you to directly control how many strongholds can spawn and how far apart they are. Because we don't follow the same method as vanilla, eyes of ender require Iris to be installed to lead to the correct locations. If you uninstall Iris, eyes of ender will lead to locations where there is nothing (where vanilla would place one)
No mob and animal spawns: Iris does not spawn mobs when it generates chunks, but instead has its own spawning system to evenly distribute mobs/animals over the entire server. These mobs will no longer spawn. Mobs that spawn in structures like silverfish and guardians will no longer spawn.
Custom particle & sound effects will disappear: There are custom particles & sound effects which will no longer be (dis)played and replaced by (boring) vanilla defaults. Iris uses these to add biome immersion, and all of this would be removed.
Iris worlds, as opposed to normal vanilla worlds, generates new worlds with the same seed every time. To change this seed, you have to add it to the server.properties
file, which you find in your main server directory (*/server.properties
). Just locate the level-seed=
setting and add any number behind it, at random. Every time you change this, and generate a new Iris world, you will have new random generation.
Stop the server
Remove */plugins/iris/packs/overworld
(the folder), if it exists
Place it in the same folder as before, */plugins/iris/packs/overworld
Unzip the folder
Rename the resulting folder to overworld
Since Iris uses datapacks for a lot of its biomes (for colors, sounds, etc.), we generate a datapack for each pack that is installed. Since datapacks need to already be installed upon server startup, while Iris is not ready by that time on the first install, Iris needs to reload the server. This is only needed once.
Iris uses Datapacks to make amazingly colored biomes such as the Sakura biome:
The only permissions are iris.all
& iris.studio
and probably only YOU (the server owner) should have them.
To reduce the number of times an object spawns in a single area, follow the following steps:
1. Find the name of the object by getting an Object Dust with /iris object dust
and clicking the object. Remember this name, we need it in step 4.
2. Find the name of the biome by running /iris find
3. Open the configuration file for the biome by locating it in the */plugins/iris/packs/overworld/biomes
folder. Each of the folders in there is for one region. The name of the region is included in the name of the biome. Open the biome file. (If you are in a studio world, you can use /iris studio editbiome
to directly open the file)
4. Find the "objects" section, which looks similar to the following (more or fewer settings may be present)
In here, there are 2 options to take into account, chance
and density
Chance dictates the fractional chance of an object spawning per chunk, if it is 0.1
, it has a 1 in 10 or 10% chance of spawning. You can decrease this number to decrease the number of times it spawns.
Density dictates the number of times the object spawns if the chance
roll was successful. So, for example, if the 10% chance of the example is successful, there are going to be 2 objects of the objects included in the place
list, in that chunk. You can decrease this number to see less clusters of objects spawning.
Another option is to remove one or more of the objects from the list under place
, this will remove that object from the biome entirely. Note: Do not remove all objects from the list. Instead, set the chance
to 0.
You can disable the Iris spawn system in the config *\plugins\iris\settings.json
and look for "ambientEntitySpawningSystem": true
, and "markerEntitySpawningSystem": true
, and set those to false
The Volmit Software Team
更新 Iris 不同于其它插件, 对于原版世界来说 若您变更了服务端对应的 Minecraft版本 变更之后原版世界所加载的区块将不与已加载区块平滑衔接.
Iris 也可以生成世界, 所以它也有相同的问题 不同原版的是 Iris 缓解了该问题
Generally its not possible to do something like that without ending up with hard borders / having to edit millions of chunks possibly. By changing the biome map, everything changes. Things that were a desert are now a forest. I could blend it by using an interpolator, but... ignoring the intense CPU [required for] that, it would still look terrible, because it would still look like a wall, just smoother, and the biomes would still be hard-cut. Just update when your ready to make a new map, its not a big issue 😛
一般来说,不可能将出现硬边界/不得不编辑数百万块的情况完全杜绝 世界内的一切事物都会随着生物群落地图的改变而改变 如, 原本为沙漠群系的区块现在变变成了森林群系 但我可以通过使用插值器来缓解该问题(区块平滑衔接) 可使用插值器后问题也仍然存在, 只是更为平滑, 缓解了这问题 所以, 在做好准备且创建新世界之前更新插件/服务端对应的Minecraft版本 并不会使该问题放大化 😛
Iris 生成世界与原版不同, 所有由 Iris 所生成世界都拥有相同的种子
若想改变这个种子, 必须在服务器根目录内的server.properties
如: C:/1234/Mine Craft/Server
-> C:/1234/MineCraft/Server
关闭服务器, 删除 服务器根目录/plugins/iris/packs
若问题仍然存在, 请见下一标题(手动下载 OverWorld 配置包).
有时 Iris 出于某种原因要求您手动下载Overworld配置包 但这也需要遵循一些步骤:
删除 服务器根目录/plugins/iris/packs/overworld
将所下载压缩包放入 服务器根目录/plugins/iris/packs
Pterodactyl以强制关闭正在运行的服务器而闻名 如在创建一个Iris世界或预加载一个世界时服务器突然崩溃 为了解决这个问题, 请将服务器启动文件(.bat)的所有文本替换为
别忘了将上述文本内的 server.jar
若这行文本不工作, 则试试下面这行:
别忘了将上述文本内的 server.jar
这是由于与配置包有关的数据包需要重启服务器才能被应用, 数据包可制作许多东西 如下图所示的群系颜色(叶子是粉色的):
使用数据包的目的是在加载 Iris 所生成世界的区块时能够呈现所有自定义颜色
将 config.yml 内的 useConsoleCustomColors
设为 false
Region Manager
Terralith (数据包方面)
有很多由 Iris 所控制的东西在你卸载该插件后会被破坏 这些功能可能导致原版生存出现问题, 所以强烈建议保留 Iris 而不使用
无法使用末影之眼找到地牢: Iris可控制所生成世界可生成多少个地牢结构以及地牢之间的距离 因为 Iris 不遵循与原版相同的生成器, 所以若卸载 Iris, 末影之眼将指向不存在任何结构的地方
不生成生物: Iris 所生成世界拥有不同于原版的生物生成机制 在结构生成后随之生成的实体(如远古守卫者与蠹虫)不会在结构内再次生成
所加载区块的群系为原版: Iris 所生成世界的每个区块原本应为自定义群系 但由于 Iris 被卸载, 自定义群系的生成器变回了原版生成器 导致新加载区块为原版群系
环境氛围粒子与音效的消失: 环境氛围粒子与自定义群系挂钩, 而自定义群系需要 Iris 才能工作.
自定义树叶腐烂系统: Iris 可控制所生成树叶的腐烂机制, 使其能离木头更远而不腐烂.
自定义世界高度: Iris 可令所生成世界突破原版的高度限制.
World Shifting: 令所生成世界内的已加载区块分裂为多个区块, 这有点崩坏的感觉.
1. 查询物体名称: 通过执行 /iris object dust
并点击一个物体, 记住该物体的内部名
2. 查询物体所处群系: 执行 /iris find
3. 编辑该群系的配置文件: 它位于 服务器根目录/plugins/iris/packs/overworld/biomes
文件夹 文件夹内的每个文件夹对应每一个区域, 而每个区域文件夹内又有对应的群系配置文件
若处在工作室模式, 则可通过执行 /iris studio editbiome
4. 找到 "objects" 语段, 格式与下列文本相似 (子选项数量可能有所不同)
, chance
and density
Chance dictates the fractional chance of an object spawning per chunk, if it is 0.1
, it has a 1 in 10 or 10% chance of spawning. You can decrease this number to decrease the number of times it spawns.
Density dictates the number of times the object spawns if the chance
roll was successful. So, for example, if the 10% chance of the example is successful, there are going to be 2 objects of the objects included in the place
list, in that chunk. You can decrease this number to see less clusters of objects spawning.
Another option is to remove one or more of the objects from the list under place
, this will remove that object from the biome entirely. Note: Do not remove all objects from the list. Instead, set the chance
to 0.
The Volmit Software Team
Custom items in Iris
Adding items from MMOItems is simple. In your loot tables (or other places where you can put items, such as as equipment of mobs), if you want to add an MMOItems item which has type "sword" and name "excalibur", write mmoitems_sword:excalibur
in the place where you would otherwise write minecraft:diamond_sword
Use MyWorlds instead (see )
Another manager for your worlds which works. MyWorlds does a slightly better job, but their devs are working on better compatibility!
is our suggested world manager plugin. It properly calls Native Minecraft Source functions we need to run our plugin. See also their .
is another way of getting to other worlds on your server.
Random teleportation within your Iris worlds, without crashes.
Custom blocks in a custom world. Specific integration is possible. See .
Custom Items in your custom world? Definitely. See .
Sin embargo, puede usar para arreglar esto.
You should only update Iris when you are ready to delete or recreate all Iris worlds. If you are thinking about updating Iris in any other case, to discuss it first.
Read first.
If you decide to uninstall Iris because of issues with server performance (Iris seems to be causing lag), please first, so we can search for a solution. We would then love to see a timings report, /timings report.
To fix it, let the server restart when you see Iris warning about biomes in the console. We ask you to restart in the error at the bottom, so please do so. Want to know why? See
Download the pack from manually.
Follow the as normal
Set in the settings.json
-> useConsoleCustomColors to false
In this diagram, you see what settings affect biome sizes. To make biomes larger, you can increase the zoom on the region's specific biomes , which will make the collection of biomes that are in a category larger. You can also change all biome & region sizes to be larger, this setting is found .
We offer support on our . Ask questions you cannot answer using the Wiki there. We ask you to look on the wiki for a solution for your issue before going there. Thank you for using Iris!
您应仅在重建或新建世界时更新插件. 若想在其它情况下更新插件, 请先
若您确定要更新 Iris, 见 .
从 (已压缩)
查阅并遵循 (若已了解则跳过该步骤)
请先, 但这需要一份 timings 报告
执行 /timings on
, 等待三分钟后执行 /timings report
在这张图中,你可以看到哪些设置会影响群落的大小, 为了使生物群落变大 你可以在这里增加区域内的特定群落的缩放, 这将使整个群系变大 你也可以直接扩大所有的生物群落和区域的大小, 见.
We offer support on our . Ask questions you cannot answer using the Wiki there. We ask you to look on the wiki for a solution for your issue before going there. Thank you for using Iris!
If you are using the the autocompletions (ctrl + space
) will include the items as well.
Desert Hills
or Production
Файлы конфигурации (настройки) Iris
Конфигурация (настройка) самого Iris небольшая, поскольку все настройки мира выполняются в паках (более подробная информация здесь).
Мы ввели функцию горячей загрузки для этих настроек, то есть они должны автоматически обновляться на сервере.
Обновления настроек, связанных с Прегенерацией, не загружаются во время прегенерации!
Это общие настройки, которые необходимо поменять для изменения основных функций программы.
commandSounds: Если включена, воспроизводит звуки при использовании команд.
debug: При значении true включает экстремальный по объему поток информации о внутренней работе Iris. Отлично подходит для отладки конкретной проблемы, жутко не удобен для чтения.
disableNMS: При включении отключает использование NMS. Мы используем NMS (исходный код Minecraft) для получения информации о биомах, регистрации пользовательских имен биомов, регистрации tile entities и многого другого. Установка этого параметра в true отключит все эти системы, но может вызвать множество проблем. Лучше не трогать.
pluginMetrics: Это переключение метрик плагина для bstats. Это помогает нам узнать, что люди используют, чтобы мы могли улучшить плагин. Вся информация анонимна. Пожалуйста, не выключайте это :)
splashLogoStartup: Выводит причудливый логотип Iris при запуске, если он включен.
useConsoleCustomColors: Использование пользовательских цветов в консоли.
useCustomColorsIngame: Использование пользовательских цветов в игре.
forceMainWorld: Принудительно помещает датапаки в другую папку. Лучше всего оставить пустым.
spinh & spins & spinb: Они задают градиенты цветов в консоли и в игре.
Это простая настройка для переключения всплывающих графических интерфейсов Iris. Если у вас хостинговый сервер, вы можете отключить их, так как вы все равно их не увидите.
useServerLaunchedGuis: При значении true запускает GUI при запуске Прегенерации.
maximumPregenGuiFPS: При значении true делает FPS графического интерфейса прегенерации намного выше, но также увеличивает использование процессора, снижая скорость прегенерации. Если вы хотите наслаждаться просмотром графического интерфейса некоторое время, установите значение true
, но оставьте значение false
, если вам нужна максимальная производительность.
Это настройки генератора, они позволяют изменять ключевые элементы основной функциональности движка.
defaultWorldType: Изменяет стандартный пак, который Iris использует при выполнении команды /iris create
headlessPregeneration: При значении true включает экспериментальную (в основном стабильную) систему генерации, которая сильно увеличивает скорость Прегенерации.
maxBiomeChildDepth: Iris поддерживает циклические ссылки на биомы. (биом внутри биома) Т.е. пустыня
может иметь дочерний(биом внутри биома) биом саванна
, а саванна
в свою очередь может иметь дочерний биом пустыня
, если вы спроектируете его таким образом. Этот параметр не позволяет биомам бесконечно генерировать дочерние биомы. Если ваши биомы не используют более 5 слоев дочерних биомов (глубина), обычно нет необходимости увеличивать этот параметр.
preventLeafDecay: При значении true, предотвращает активное исчезновение листьев, устанавливая для них тег persistent.
parallelism: Этот параметр определяет, сколько потоков разрешено использовать/создавать iris. Установите значение -1, чтобы iris сам определял, что ему использовать. Оставьте значение -1, если вы не знаете, как работают потоки. -2 устанавливает количество потоков на половину доступного, -4 - на четверть. Вы также можете установить значение, например, 6, что позволит Iris использовать 6 потоков.
Режим студии позволяет разрабатывать миры с помощью проектов. Эта функция используется при разработке миров с локальным сервером.
studio: При значении true студийный режим активирован и вы можете с ним работать.
openVSCode: При значении true, Iris автоматически открывает VSCode, когда вы открываете студийный мир.
disableTimeAndWeather: При значении true изменения времени и погоды не происходят в студийных мирах.
autoStartDefaultStudio: При запуске сервера этот параметр будет сразу же запускать студийный мир.
Настройки предварительной генерации для кеширования, в частности, в Mantle.
mantleKeepAliveSeconds: Количество секунд, через которое кэшированные данные mantle становятся недействительными и сохраняются. Чем выше это значение, тем больше оперативной памяти требуется во время прегенерации. Значения по умолчанию достаточно для прегенерации. Дальнейшее увеличение этого числа не сильно поможет, по сравнению с тем, сколько дополнительной оперативной памяти это будет стоить.
cacheSize: Iris кэширует много данных во время генерации. Это экономит много времени во время генерации, но занимает немного дополнительной памяти. Это кэш, который каждый отдельный поток данных может использовать максимально. Это число было сгенерировано с помощью функции оптимизации, изменять его не рекомендуется.
All the info about the frozen biomes
Name: Frozen Mountains
ID: frozen_peak
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\peak.json
Category: icy
The Frozen Peak is the top of the mountains in the overworld, it's a place on the top. This Bioms will generate at the top of each tall mountain.
You Can be Fined This Biome In:
Tundra Forest Cliffs
Tundra Magic Forest Cliffs
Tundra Mountains
Frozen Vander
Frozen Mountains
Frozen Mountain Middle
Frozen Mountain Cliffs
Name: Frozen Mountains
ID: frozen_mountain
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\mountain.json
Category: extreme_hills
Frozen Peak
Mountain Cliffs
Frozen Mountain Middle
Name: Frozen Mountain Cliffs
ID: frozen_mountaincliff
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\mountain-cliffs.json
Child: Mountain Cliffs Extended
ID: frozen_mountaincliff
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\mountain-cliffs-extended.json
Category: extreme_hills
Name: Frozen Mountain Middle
ID: frozen_mountain_middle
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\mountain-extended.json
Category: icy
Name: Frozen Mountain Cliffs
ID: frozen_hills
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\hills.json
Child: Hills Extended
ID: frozen_hills
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\hills-extended.json
Category: icy
Child: Vander
Name: Frozen Pine Hills
ID: frozen_pine_hills
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\pine-hills.json
Category: icy
Name: Frozen Pine Plains
ID: frozen_pine_plains
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\pine-plains.json
Category: icy
Child: Pine Hills
Name: Frozen Pine Plains
ID: frozen_pines
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\pine.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen Pine Plains Extended
ID: frozen_pines
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\pine-extended.json
Name: Frozen Pine Plains
ID: frozen_plains
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\plains.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen Hills
Name: Frozen Redwood Forest
ID: frozen_redwood_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\redwood-forest.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen Redwood Forest Extended
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\redwood-forest-extended.json
Name: Frozen Spruce Hills
ID: frozen_spruce_hills
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\spruce-hills.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen Spruce Hills Extended
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\spruce-hills-extended.json
Name: Frozen Spruce Hills
ID: frozen_spruce_plains
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\spruce-plains.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen Spruce Hills
Name: Frozen River
ID: frozen_river_ice
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\frozen-river-ice.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen River
ID: frozen_river_parent
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\frozen-parent-river.json
Category: icy
Name: Frozen River
ID: frozen_beach
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\beach.json
Category: icy
Name: Frozen Vander
ID: frozen_vander
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\vander.json
Category: icy
All the info about the frozen biomes
Name: Frozen Mountains
ID: frozen_peak
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\peak.json
Category: icy
The Frozen Peak is the top of the mountains in the overworld, it's a place on the top. These biomes will generate at the top of each tall mountain.
You Can Find This Biome In:
Tundra Forest Cliffs
Tundra Magic Forest Cliffs
Tundra Mountains
Frozen Vander
Frozen Mountains
Frozen Mountain Middle
Frozen Mountain Cliffs
Name: Frozen Mountains
ID: frozen_mountain
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\mountain.json
Category: extreme_hills
Frozen Peak
Mountain Cliffs
Frozen Mountain Middle
Name: Frozen Mountain Cliffs
ID: frozen_mountaincliff
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\mountain-cliffs.json
Child: Mountain Cliffs Extended
ID: frozen_mountaincliff
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\mountain-cliffs-extended.json
Category: extreme_hills
Name: Frozen Mountain Middle
ID: frozen_mountain_middle
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\mountain-extended.json
Category: icy
Name: Frozen Mountain Cliffs
ID: frozen_hills
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\hills.json
Child: Hills Extended
ID: frozen_hills
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\hills-extended.json
Category: icy
Child: Vander
Name: Frozen Pine Hills
ID: frozen_pine_hills
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\pine-hills.json
Category: icy
Name: Frozen Pine Plains
ID: frozen_pine_plains
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\pine-plains.json
Category: icy
Child: Pine Hills
Name: Frozen Pine Plains
ID: frozen_pines
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\pine.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen Pine Plains Extended
ID: frozen_pines
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\pine-extended.json
Name: Frozen Pine Plains
ID: frozen_plains
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\plains.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen Hills
Name: Frozen Redwood Forest
ID: frozen_redwood_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\redwood-forest.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen Redwood Forest Extended
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\redwood-forest-extended.json
Name: Frozen Spruce Hills
ID: frozen_spruce_hills
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\spruce-hills.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen Spruce Hills Extended
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\spruce-hills-extended.json
Name: Frozen Spruce Hills
ID: frozen_spruce_plains
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\spruce-plains.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen Spruce Hills
Name: Frozen River
ID: frozen_river_ice
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\frozen-river-ice.json
Category: icy
Child: Frozen River
ID: frozen_river_parent
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\frozen-parent-river.json
Category: icy
Name: Frozen River
ID: frozen_beach
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\beach.json
Category: icy
Name: Frozen Vander
ID: frozen_vander
File Location: \overworld\biomes\frozen\vander.json
Category: icy
All the info about the Mountain biomes
All the info about the Mesa biomes
Name: Mesa Blue Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\blue.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Cliffs Vanilla Derivative: eroded_badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\cliffs.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Dark Vanilla Derivative: eroded_badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\dark.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Green Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\green.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\mesa.json
Category: unknown
Все вопросы об Iris, которые мы можем придумать, будут размещены здесь
Содержание находится справа
Обновление Iris не похоже на обновление любого другого плагина. Чтобы провести сравнение между Iris и Mojang - Когда вы обновляете версию Minecraft на вашем сервере, это приводит к тому, что любой новый чанк, который генерируется, не будет совпадать с существующими чанками, в каждом ванильном мире.
Iris также генерирует миры для вас, поэтому у него та же проблема. Разница в том, что Iris обновляется часто, а Mojang - редко, что заставляет пользователей думать, что обновление безопасно, хотя на самом деле оно может принести больше вреда и проблем.
Обновлять Iris следует только тогда, когда вы готовы удалить все миры Iris.
Если вы думаете об обновлении Iris в любом случае, лучше сначала свяжитесь с поддержкой и обсудите это.
Если вы уверены, что хотите обновить Iris, см. раздел Обновление Overworld.
Для того, чтобы PaperMC не спамил большим количеством предупреждений во время создания вашего мира (которые безвредны и бесполезны), вы можете добавить следующие настройки в конфигурацию paper.yml, заменив существующую конфигурацию:
Серверы выкидывают игроков через определенное время. Вы можете увеличить это время, заменив параметр timeout-time
установкой следующего значения в */spigot.yml
Вам нужно заменить существующую настройку, а не добавлять ее как новую.
Pterodactyl известен тем, что отключает серверы, использующие полную (всю) оперативную память, например, при создании мира Iris или предварительной генерации. Чтобы решить эту проблему, можно предпринять два шага, оба связаны с установкой флагов запуска.
Обязательно установите server.jar
на ваш реальный jar-файл (см. конец флагов).
Если это не сработает, попробуйте следующее:
Снова же, вам нужно установить server.jar
на ваш реальный jar-файл (см. конец флагов).
Это связано с тем, что дата-паки уже установлены на сервер перед его запуском, в то время как Iris еще не готов к запуску. Iris использует дата-паки для создания удивительных цветных биомов, таких как биом Сакура:
Замысел состоит в том, чтобы ваш сервер мог предоставить все пользовательские цвета, которые может предложить Iris, в генераторе. Если вы не хотите использовать эту функцию в своем мире, удалите раздел Custom-Derivatives из каждого биома в паке.
Iris подвергается многочисленным изменениям в генераторе. Это означает, что во многих случаях генерация рельефа существенно меняется. Даже небольшие изменения в исходном коде генерации вызывают значительные различия по краям существующих чанков, когда они должны красиво перетекать в новые чанки.
Вы можете удивиться, почему мы просто не смешиваем биомы:
Чтобы ответить на этот вопрос, приведем цитату нашего ведущего разработчика:
"Обычно невозможно сделать что-то подобное без того, чтобы в итоге не получить жесткие границы / необходимость редактировать миллионы чанков. При изменении карты биомов все меняется. То, что было пустыней, теперь становится лесом. Я мог бы смешать это с помощью интерполятора, но... не обращая внимания на интенсивный процессор (CPU) [требуемый для этого], это все равно будет выглядеть ужасно, потому что это все равно будет выглядеть как стена, только более гладкая, и биомы все равно будут жестко обрезаны. Просто обновитесь, когда будете готовы сделать новую карту, это не большая проблема 😛"
Если вы являетесь или знаете разработчика, который был бы готов добавить это в Iris относительно эффективным (результативным) способом, который также является поддерживаемым и расширяемым, не стесняйтесь создать PR в репозитории Iris.
Установите в файле settings.json
Configuration -> General -> useConsoleCustomColors значение false
Вместо использования gradlew build
или task > build > build
, используйте gradlew shadowJar
или tasks > shadow > shadowJar
при сборке плагина.
Есть несколько плагинов, которые слишком сильно вмешиваются в работу Iris. Мы стараемся обеспечить беспроблемное сотрудничество с большинством плагинов, но эти, к сожалению, переходят границы.
Неподдерживаемые плагины:
Ultra Regions
Region Manager
Любые другие WorldGenerator, которые берут на себя генерацию чанков без каких-либо инструкций (EWG, RWG, DWG не работают. Terra может работать).
Есть много вещей, которыми управляет Iris, которые будут нарушены, если вы удалите плагин. Многие из этих функций могут вызвать проблемы на серверах выживания, поэтому мы настоятельно рекомендуем оставить Iris установленным.
Функции, которые могут сломаться:
All the info about the Overworld Dimension biomes
The standard overworld for Iris the Dimension Engine. New and Improved! The Overworld dimension has over 80+ biomes, it's the official Dimension for Iris Get the latest release of the Overworld here
Astrash (A lot of biomes, objects, generator configurations, caves, and jigsaw structures For v2. His pack here: Continents)
Coco (Did much of the bug fixing, configuration tweaks, merges, and early v2 development)
Cyberpwn (Much of the early Bases and development of the iris plugin)
Espen (Cave, Ore, and Other improvements)
K530 (Biome reworks, and mountain generation)
RaydenKonig (Innovative ideas and configurations)
Strangeone101 (Biome, Generator, and Cave generation creation and modification)
thefourCraft (One of the Iris Wiki Editor/Maintainer)
Great thanks to these people for contributing to the pack. If you want to contribute as well, feel free to make a fork and pull requests. Please contact us on Discord if you have some changes up for review!
The documentation might be different in your version of Iris (as all versions will be). All of the information on this wiki, legacy or otherwise is an invaluable resource and will teach you everything you need to know. please keep in mind that the discord is ALSO a CRITICAL place to look for cupport, and almost required when navigating iris. This documentation was Written by thefourCraft, it's not officially maintained by us, but the information is Accurate at the point of writing this.
Read this page Getting Started
Follow all the Installation Guides and if you have any problems feel free to contact us on discord
כל השאלות של איריס שאנחנו יכולים לחשוב עליהן יוצבו כאן
יש תוכן עניינים בצד ימין
עדכון איירס אינו כמו כל תוסף אחר. כדי לערוך בואו נשווה בין איירס ל-מוג'נג- כאשר אתם מעדכנים את גרסת מיינקראפט של השרת שלכם, זה יגרום לכך שכל צ'אנק חדש שנוצר לא יתיישר עם צ'אנקים קיימים, בעולם הרגיל.
אייריס מייצרת עולמות גם, אז יש לה את אותה בעיה. ההבדל הוא שאייריס מעדכנת הרבה, ומוג'אנג בקושי, מה שגורם למשתמשים לחשוב שזה בטוח לעדכן, כשבמציאות זה עלול להזיק יותר מתועלת.
ציטוט ממפתח ראשי של הפלאגין:
באופן כללי, אי אפשר לעשות משהו כזה בלי להסתיים בגבולות קשים / צורך לערוך מיליוני צאנקים אולי. על ידי שינוי מפת הביומה, הכל משתנה. דברים שהיו מדבריים הם עכשיו יער. אני יכול למזג את זה על ידי שימוש אינטרפולטור, אבל... בהתעלמות מהמעבד האינטנסיבי [נדרש לכך], זה עדיין ייראה נורא, כי זה עדיין ייראה כמו קיר, רק חלק יותר, והביומות עדיין יהיו חתוכים . פשוט עדכנו כאשר תהיו מוכנים ליצור מפה חדשה, זו לא בעיה גדולה 😛
עלייכם לעדכן את איירס רק כאשר אתם מוכנים למחוק או ליצור מחדש את כל עולמות האיירס. אם אתם בכלל חושבים לעדכן את איירס בכל מקרה אחר, צרו קשר עם התמיכה כדי לדון בזה קודם.
על תשכחו לעשות גיבוי
אם אתם בטוחים שאתם רוצים לעדכן את איירס אז ראו עדכון עולם
עולמות איריס, בניגוד לעולמות מיינקראפט רגילים, מייצרים עולמות חדשים עם אותו סיד בכל פעם.
כדי לשנות את ה-סיד הזה, עליכם להוסיף אותו לקובץ server.properties
אותו אתם מוצאים בספריית השרת הראשית שלכם (*/server.properties)
פשוט מצאו את ההגדרה level-seed=
והוסיפו כל מספר מאחוריה, באופן אקראי.
בכל פעם שתשנו את זה, ותעשו עולם איריס חדש, יהיה לך סיד אקראי חדש.
אנא נסו את השלבים הבאים כדי לפתור בעיה זו (אלה גורמים לבעיה ב-80%+ מהמקרים):
הסר רווחים מהנתיב לשרת (אם לשם המשתמש שלך יש רווח, עליך לשים את השרת בשורש הכונן שלך, כלומר C:/server
הסר כל תווים שאינם ASCII (כלומר סינית, יפנית, קוריאנית, רוסית וכו') מהנתיב לתיקיית השרת (שוב, אם שם המשתמש שלך מכיל תווים אלה, מקם את השרת ב-C:/
עצור את השרת שלך, הסר */plugins/iris/packs
ואז הפעל את השרת שוב.
אם אף אחד מאלה לא עובדים בשביל לפתור את הבעייה שלך עקבו אחרי המדריך הורדה ידנית של Overworld
לפעמים אנו מבקשים ממך להוריד ידנית את Overworld מכל סיבה שהיא. כדי לעשות זאת, עקוב אחר המדריך הבא:
עצור את השרת
הסר */plugins/iris/packs/overworld
הורידו את הקבצים מתוך הגיטהאב שלנו
מקם אותו באותה תיקיה כמו קודם, */plugins/iris/packs/overworld
פתח את התיקיה
שנה את שם התיקיה שהתקבלה ל-overworld
עקוב אחר המדריך לתחילת העבודה כפי שאתה רגיל מכאן
פטרודקטילוס ידוע בכיבוי שרתים המשתמשים בזיכרון מלא, כמו מה שקורה בעת יצירת עולם איריס, או יצירת עולם מראש. כדי לפתור בעיה זו יש שני שלבים שאתה יכול לנקוט, שניהם כוללים הגדרת דגלי ההפעלה.
הקפד להגדיר את server.jar
לקובץ ה-jar האמיתי שלך (ראה סוף הדגלים)
אם זה לא עובד, נסה את אלה:
שוב, עליך להגדיר את server.jar
לקובץ ה-jar האמיתי שלך (ראה סוף הדגלים)
זה קשור לדרישה ש-Datapacks כבר מותקנות עם הפעלת השרת, בעוד שאיירס לא מוכנה לפני ההפעלה. איריס משתמשת ב-Datapacks כדי ליצור ביומות צבעוניות כמו הביומה של Sakura:
הכוונה היא שהשרת שלך יוכל לספק את כל הצבעים המתואמים אישית שיש לאיריס להציע, בגנרטור. אם אינך רוצה את התכונה הזו בעולם שלך, הסר את הקטע של נגזרות מותאמות אישית מכל אחת מהביומות בחבילה.
הגדר בתוך settings.json בהגדרות -> כללי -> useConsoleCustomColors שימו אותו ב-false
יש כמה פלאגינים שמתעסקים יותר מדי בתוכן ובתלות (רכה) של אייריס. אנו מנסים להבטיח שיתוף פעולה חלק עם רוב התוספים, אך אלה חוצים גבול, למרבה הצער.
Region Manager
כל WorldGenerator אחר שמשתלט על יצירת צ'אנקים ללא הדרכה
יש הרבה דברים של אייריס שישברו כאשר תסיר את ההתקנה של התוסף. הרבה מהתכונות הללו עלולות לגרום לבעיות בשרתי הישרדות ולכן אנו ממליצים בחום להשאיר את איירס מותקן.
תכונות שצפויות להישבר:
Strongholds cannot be found with eyes of ender: Iris allows you to directly control how many strongholds can spawn and how far apart they are. Because we don't follow the same method as vanilla, eyes of ender require Iris to be installed to lead to the correct locations. If you uninstall Iris, eyes of ender will lead to locations where there is nothing (where vanilla would place one)
No mob and animal spawns: Iris does not spawn mobs when it generates chunks, but instead has its own spawning system to evenly distribute mobs/animals over the entire server. These mobs will no longer spawn. Mobs that spawn in structures like silverfish and guardians will no longer spawn.
New chunks will not be custom: New chunks will be normal vanilla chunks which do not align properly with existing chunks. Removing these manually can be difficult if you wish to amend it.
Custom particle & sound effects will disappear: There are custom particles & sound effects which will no longer be (dis)played and replaced by (boring) vanilla defaults. Iris uses these to add biome immersion, and all of this would be removed.
Custom leaf decay systems: Iris spawns custom trees which have leaves which are too far away from logs without them decaying. Iris controls leaf decay systems and uninstalling the plugin may result in leaves being removed where they shouldn't.
Custom height modifications: Iris is responsible for setting the max height to something different than vanilla. If you remove Iris, this will not be ensured with every world and you may end up with mountains cut-off at the new - wrong - build limit.
World Shifting: A less probably bug but one that can still seriously mess up your worlds is that certain parts of the world may be shifted up 64 blocks. This allows people to get below the bedrock, breaks the terrain and can even cut player-built buildings in half.
אם תחליט להסיר את ההתקנה של איירס בגלל בעיות בביצועי השרת (נראה ש-Iris גורמת ללאגים), אנא פנה תחילה לתמיכה, כדי שנוכל לחפש פתרון.
לאחר מכן נשמח לראות דוח תזמון,timings report/.
בתרשים זה, אתה רואה אילו הגדרות משפיעות על גדליי הביומה. כדי להגדיל את הביומות, אתה יכול להגדיל את הזום על הביומות הספציפיות של האזור כאן, מה שיגדיל את אוסף הביומות שנמצאו בקטגוריה. אתה יכול גם לשנות את כל גדליי הביומה והאזור לגדולים יותר, הגדרה זו נמצאה כאן.
כדי לצמצם את מספר הפעמים שאובייקט נוצר באזור בודד, בצע את השלבים הבאים:
מצא את שם האובייקט על ידי קבלת אבק אובייקט עם iris object dust/
בלחיצה על האובייקט.
זכור את השם הזה, אנחנו צריכים אותו בשלב 4
2. מצא את שם הביומה על ידי ריצה iris find/
3. פתח את קובץ התצורה של הביומה על ידי איתורו ב-plugins/iris/packs/overworld/biomes/*
כל אחת מהתיקיות שם מיועדת לאזור אחד. שם האזור כלול בשם הביומה.
(אם אתה בעולם סטודיו, אתה יכול להשתמש ב-iris studio editbiome/
כדי לפתוח ישירות את הקובץ)
4. מצא את הקטע "objects", שנראה דומה לקטע הבא (ייתכן שיהיו יותר או פחות הגדרות)
כאן, יש 2 אפשרויות לקחת בחשבון, chance
ו density
הסיכוי (chance
) מכתיב את הסיכוי החלקי של אובייקט לעשות ספאון לכל צ'אנק, אם הוא 0.1
יש לו סיכוי של 1 ל-10 או 10% לעשות ספאון.
אתה יכול להקטין את המספר הזה כדי להקטין את מספר הפעמים שהוא עושה ספאון.
צפיפות מכתיבה את מספר הפעמים שהאובייקט עושה ספאון (chance
אם הוספת סיכויים לכמות האובייקטים בצ'אנק.
כך, למשל, אם הסיכוי של 10% שהאובייקט יעשה ספאון,
יהיו 2 אובייקטים מהאובייקטים הכלולים ברשימת המקומות (place
), בצ'אנק הזה.
אתה יכול להקטין את המספר הזה כדי לראות פחות מאותם אובייקטים שעושים ספאון.
אפשרות נוספת היא להסיר אחד או יותר מהאובייקטים מהרשימה (place
) שמתחת למקום,
זה יסיר את האובייקט הזה מהביומה לחלוטין.
הערה: אל תסיר את כל האובייקטים מהרשימה. במקום זאת, הגדר את הסיכוי ל-0 (chance
אנו מציעים תמיכה בדיסקורד שלנו. תשאלו שאלות שאתם לא מוצאים להם תשובות בווקי שלנו. אנו מבקשים ממכם לחפש בויקי עבור פתרונות לבעיות שלכם לפני שתלכו לבקש עזרה בדיסקורד. תודה על השימוש באיריס!
צוות התכונות של וולמיט
Todas las preguntas que creamos que sean importantes se añadirán aquí
Hay una tabla de contenido a la derecha ->
Actualizar Iris no es como actualizar cualquier otro plugin. Por ejemplo, en comparación a Mojang, cuando se actualiza la versión del servidor a una nueva, cualquier chunk generado en la nueva versión no se alineará con los antiguos chunks.
Como Iris tambien es un generador de mundos, tiene el mismo problema. La diferencia es que Iris se actualiza constantemente, y Mojang, no tanto, lo cual hace pensar a los usuarios que es seguro de actualizar a una nueva versión.
Una cita de nuestro desarrollador principal:
Generalmente no es posible hacer algo que no acabe con chunks no alineados sin tener que editar millones de chunks para conseguirlo. Cambiando el mapeado de bioma, todo cambia. Biomas que antes eran un desierto ahora son bosque. Podría difuminarlo usando interpolación,, pero... ignorando la gran carga que le supondría al procesador para ello, y al final seguiría viéndose muy mal. Solo actualiza cuando estés dispuesto a hacer un nuevo mapa, no es un problema 😛.
Solo se debe actualizar Iris cuando se desee hacer un mundo nuevo. Si quiere actualizar Iris es recomendable que primero se ponga en contacto con nosotros para ver si es posible.
Siempre Haga Backups
Si está seguro de actualizar Iris, vea Actualizando el Overworld.
Los mundos de Iris, en contrario a los mundos vanila, siempre son generados con la misma semilla. Para cambiar eso tendrá que cambiar la seed en el archivo */.server.properties
, y cambiar level-seed=
a su semilla deseada (por ejemplo level-seed=1234
Para arreglarlo simplemente reinicie el servidor cuando vea todos los errores en la consola en vez de generar nuevos mundos.
Contactanos en Discord si necesitas más ayuda.
Apague su servidor
Borre */plugins/iris/packs/overworld
(la carpeta)
Descargue el pack manualmente desde nuestro Github
Coloque el archivo descargado en */plugins/iris/packs/overworld
Descomprima el archivo
Renombre la carpeta generada a overworld
Continue con el tutorial de Como Empezar
Esto sucede ya que los Datapacks se instalan antes de que el servidor se inicie, mientras que Iris es cargado cuando se inicia. Iris usa datapacks para hacer biomas como:
En el archivo settings.json
Configuration -> General actualize useConsoleCustomColors
a false
Hay muchas cosas controladas por Iris, de las cuales muchas pueden romper su servidor si lo desinstala. Muchos de estos pueden causar problemas, en especial en servidores survival.
Problemas que podría generar:
Strongolds no pueden ser encontrados por ojos de ender
Sin spawn de mobs y animales
Nuevos chunks no serán personalizados
Las partículas y efectos de sonido desaparecerán
Las hojas decaen ya que están muy lejos de un tronco
Altura personalizada, Iris cambia la altura máxima a un valor distinto al de vanilla, si desinstala Iris puede causar errores de terreno y mover el mundo cortado por la mitad
Errores de generación, un error menos probable pero que aún puede causar graves problemas en tus mundos es que ciertas partes del mundo pueden ser desplazadas 64 bloques hacia arriba. Esto permite a las personas llegar por debajo de la roca madre, rompe el terreno e incluso puede cortar edificios construidos por jugadores por la mitad.
Si decide desinstalar Iris por problemas de rendimiento, por favor contacta al soporte primero, así podremos buscar una solución. Si quiere, puede mostrarnos un reporte de timings (/timings)
En este diagrama se puede apreciar los ajustes para personalizar el tamaño de los biomas. Para hacer los biomas más grandes se puede hacer más zoom en la zona requerida, el cual hará que la colección de biomas en dicha categoría más grandes. También puede cambiar el tamaño de los biomas y regiones para que sean más grandes aquí.
Para reducir la cantidad de objetos que pueden aparecer en un área, puede seguir los siguientes pasos:
Encuentre el nombre del objeto usando el Polvo de Objetos con /iris object dust
y haciendo clic en el objeto.
Encuentre el nombre del bioma usando /iris find
Abra la configuración para dicho bioma, esto se puede encontrar en el directorio */plugins/iris/packs/overworld/biomes
. Cada de las carpetas en este directorio es una región distinta. El nombre de la región está en el nombre del bioma.
Abra el archivo del bioma
Busque el apartado de objects
, debería ser similar a:
En esta sección puede ver dos opciones, chance
(chance / probabilidad) y density
dicta la probabilidad de que un objeto aparezca en un chunk (si el valor es de 0.1
, tiene una probabilidad de un 10%
o 1/10.
dicta la cantidad de veces que un objeto puede aparecer por chunk si chance
fue configurado corrrectamente.
Otra opción es place
, estos son los objetos que pueden aparecer
Puede deshabilitar esta opción en el archivo de configuración */plugins/iris/settings.json
y cambiar anbientEntitySpawnSystem
y markerEntitySpawnSystem
a false
Ofrecemos soporte en nuestro Discord. Puede preguntar sus dudas ahí si se encuentra con un error y quiere saber como arreglarlo. ¡Gracias por usar Iris!
El Equipo de Software de Volmit
All the info about the Hot biomes
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Hot Desert Dunes Red
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\desert-dunes-red.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Desert Dunes
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\desert-dunes.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Mountain Cliffs
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\mountain-cliffs.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Mountain Middle
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\mountain-middle.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Mountain Plains
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\mountain-plains.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Mountain Plains
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\mountain.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Oasis
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\oasis.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Beach
ID: hot_beach
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\beach.json
Category: beach
Name: Hot Beach Grass
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\beach-grass.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Ocean Cliffs
Vanilla Derivative: ocean
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\ocean-cliffs.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot river
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\river.json
Category: unknown
All the info about the Hot biomes
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Hot Desert Dunes Red
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\desert-dunes-red.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Desert Dunes
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\desert-dunes.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Mountain Cliffs
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\mountain-cliffs.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Mountain Middle
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\mountain-middle.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Mountain Plains
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\mountain-plains.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Mountain Plains
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\mountain.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Oasis
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\oasis.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Beach
ID: hot_beach
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\beach.json
Category: beach
Name: Hot Beach Grass
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\beach-grass.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Ocean Cliffs
Vanilla Derivative: ocean
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\ocean-cliffs.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot river
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\river.json
Category: unknown
All the info about the Mesa biomes
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Mesa Blue
Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\blue.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Cliffs
Vanilla Derivative: eroded_badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\cliffs.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Dark
Vanilla Derivative: eroded_badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\dark.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Green
Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\green.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa
Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\mesa.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Plateau Dirt high
Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\plateau-dirt-high.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Red
Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\red.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Valley
Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\valleys.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa beach
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\beach.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa beach
Vanilla Derivative: besert
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\river.json
Category: unknown
All the info about the Mountain biomes
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Mountain Cliffs
Vanilla Derivative: old_growth_spruce_taiga
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\cliffs.json
Category: unknown
Child: Mountain Cliffs Extended
Vanilla Derivative: old_growth_spruce_taiga
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\cliffs-extended.json
Name: Mountain Forest
Vanilla Derivative: old_growth_spruce_taiga
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\forest.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mountain Plains Hills
Vanilla Derivative: plains
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\plain-extended.json
Name: Mountain River Soft
Vanilla Derivative: river
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\river-soft.json
Name: Mountain River
Vanilla Derivative: river
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\river.json
Name: Mountain River
Vanilla Derivative: old_growth_spruce_taiga
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\beach.json
Name: Hot Ocean Cliffs
Vanilla Derivative: warm_ocean
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\ocean.json
Category: unknown
Name: Hot Ocean Cliffs
Vanilla Derivative: warm_ocean
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\hot\ocean.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Plateau Dirt
Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\plateau-dirt.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Plateau
Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\plateau.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mesa Plateau
Vanilla Derivative: badlands
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mesa\yellow.json
Category: unknown
Name: Mountain Forest Hills
Vanilla Derivative: old_growth_spruce_taiga
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\forest-extended.json
Name: Mountain Hills
Vanilla Derivative: old_growth_spruce_taiga
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\hills.json
Name: Mountain Hills
Vanilla Derivative: old_growth_spruce_taiga
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\mountain-extended.json
Name: Mountain
Vanilla Derivative: windswept_hills
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\mountain.json
Name: Mountain Plains
Vanilla Derivative: old_growth_spruce_taiga
ID: null
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\plains.json
All the info about the Ocean biomes
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Ocean Beach
Vanilla Derivative: plains
File Location: \overworld\biomes\ocean\beach.json
Name: Ocean Beach
Vanilla Derivative: deep_ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\ocean\deep.json
Name: Ocean
Vanilla Derivative: ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\ocean\ocean.json
Name: Ocean
Vanilla Derivative: warm_ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\ocean\warm-ocean.json
Name: Ocean
Vanilla Derivative: warm_ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\ocean\warm.json
Child: Ocean Warm Bottom
All the info about the Ocean biomes
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Ocean Beach
Vanilla Derivative: plains
File Location: \overworld\biomes\ocean\beach.json
Name: Ocean Beach
Vanilla Derivative: deep_ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\ocean\deep.json
Name: Ocean
Vanilla Derivative: ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\ocean\ocean.json
Name: Ocean
Vanilla Derivative: warm_ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\ocean\warm-ocean.json
Name: Ocean
Vanilla Derivative: warm_ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\ocean\warm.json
Child: Ocean Warm Bottom
All the info about the Mushroom biomes
Name: Mountain Cliffs ID: mushroom_crimson_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\crimson-forst.json
Category: mushroom
Child: Crimson Forest Extended
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\crimson-forest-extended.json
Name: Mushroom Forest ID: mushroom_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\forst.json
Category: mushroom
Child: Mushroom Forest Hills
Name: Mushroom Forest Hills ID: mushroom_hills
Category: mushroom
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\forest-extended.json
Name: Mushroom Plains ID: mushroom_plains
Category: mushroom
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\plains.json
Name: Mushroom Warped Forest ID: mushroom_warped_forest
Category: mushroom
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\warped-forest.json
Child: Warped Forest Extended File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\warped-forest-extended.json
Name: Mushroom Beach ID: mushroom_beach
Category: Unknown
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\beach.json
All the info about the Mushroom biomes
Name: Mountain Cliffs
ID: mushroom_crimson_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\crimson-forst.json
Category: mushroom
Child: Crimson Forest Extended
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mountain\crimson-forest-extended.json
Name: Mushroom Forest
ID: mushroom_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\forst.json
Category: mushroom
Child: Mushroom Forest Hills
Name: Mushroom Forest Hills
ID: mushroom_hills
Category: mushroom
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\forest-extended.json
Name: Mushroom Plains
ID: mushroom_plains
Category: mushroom
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\plains.json
Name: Mushroom Warped Forest
ID: mushroom_warped_forest
Category: mushroom
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\warped-forest.json
Child: Warped Forest Extended
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\warped-forest-extended.json
Name: Mushroom Beach
ID: mushroom_beach
Category: Unknown
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\beach.json
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Mushroom Lake
Vanilla Derivative: mushroom_fields
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\lake.json
Name: Mushroom Ocean
Vanilla Derivative: ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\mushroom\ocean.json
All the info about the Savanna biomes
Name: Savanna Acacia Denmyre
ID: savanna_acacia_denmyre
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\acacia-denmyre.json
Category: savanna
Name: Savanna Cliffs
ID: savanna_cliffs
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\cliff-extended.json
Category: savanna
Child: Acacia Denmyre
Name: Savanna Cliffs
ID: savanna_cliffs
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\cliff.json
Category: savanna
Child: Acacia Denmyre | Savanna Cliffs Extended
Name: Savanna Forest
ID: savanna_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\forest.json
Category: savanna
Name: Savanna Plateau
ID: savanna_plateau
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\plateau.json
Category: savanna
Name: Savanna
ID: savanna
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\savanna.json
Category: savanna
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Savanna Beach
Vanilla Derivative: savanna
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\beach.json
All the info about the Savanna biomes
Name: Savanna Acacia Denmyre
ID: savanna_acacia_denmyre
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\acacia-denmyre.json
Category: savanna
Name: Savanna Cliffs
ID: savanna_cliffs
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\cliff-extended.json
Category: savanna
Child: Acacia Denmyre
Name: Savanna Cliffs
ID: savanna_cliffs
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\cliff.json
Category: savanna
Child: Acacia Denmyre | Savanna Cliffs Extended
Name: Savanna Forest
ID: savanna_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\forest.json
Category: savanna
Name: Savanna Plateau
ID: savanna_plateau
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\plateau.json
Category: savanna
Name: Savanna
ID: savanna
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\savanna.json
Category: savanna
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Savanna Beach
Vanilla Derivative: savanna
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\beach.json
All the info about the tundra biomes
Coming Soon
All the info about the Swamp biomes
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Swamp Denmyre
Vanilla Derivative: birch_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\birch-denmyre.json
Name: Birch Thin Forest
Vanilla Derivative: birch_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\birch-thin.json
Name: Birch Forest
Vanilla Derivative: forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\combo-forest.json
Name: Temperate Flower Forest
ID: flower_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\flower-forest-extended.json
Name: Temperate Highlands
Vanilla Derivative: plains
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\highlands.json
Name: Temperate Island
ID: island
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\island.json
Child: Wilds
Name: Long Tree Forest Extended
ID: longtree_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\longtree-forest-extended.json
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Swamp Denmyre
Vanilla Derivative: birch_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\birch-denmyre.json
Name: Birch Thin Forest
Vanilla Derivative: birch_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\birch-thin.json
Name: Birch Forest
Vanilla Derivative: forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\combo-forest.json
Name: Temperate Flower Forest
ID: flower_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\flower-forest-extended.json
Name: Temperate Highlands
Vanilla Derivative: plains
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\highlands.json
Name: Temperate Island
ID: island
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\island.json
Child: Wilds
Name: Long Tree Forest Extended
ID: longtree_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\longtree-forest-extended.json
All the info about the Swamp biomes
Name: Swamp Cambian Drift
ID: swamp_cambian_drift
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\cambian-drift-exsended.json
Category: forest
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Swamp Denmyre
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\denmyre.json
Name: Swamp Haunted Hands Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\handy-willow-forest.json
Name: Swamp Marsh Rotten
ID: swamp_marsh_rotten
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\marsh-rotten.json
Name: Swamp Mangrove Forest
ID: k530mangroveswamp
Category: forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\swamp-mangrove-lake.json
Name: Swamp Puddle
ID: k530puddle
Category: forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\swamp-puddle.json
Name: Swamp Willow Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\willow-forest-extended.json
Name: Swamp Beach
Vanilla Derivative: beach
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\beach.json
Name: Swamp Ocean tree
Vanilla Derivative: ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\ocean-tree.json
Name: Swamp Ocean tree
Vanilla Derivative: ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\ocean.json
All the info about the Savanna biomes
Name: Swamp Cambian Drift
ID: swamp_cambian_drift
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\cambian-drift-exsended.json
Category: forest
Some of the biomes listed here don't have an ID, they use the vanillaDerivative instead
witch means minecraft:<vanillaDerivavtive>
Name: Swamp Denmyre
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\denmyre.json
Name: Swamp Haunted Hands Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\handy-willow-forest.json
Name: Swamp Marsh Rotten
ID: swamp_marsh_rotten
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\marsh-rotten.json
Name: Swamp Mangrove Forest
ID: k530mangroveswamp
Category: forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\swamp-mangrove-lake.json
Name: Swamp Puddle
ID: k530puddle
Category: forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\swamp-puddle.json
Name: Swamp Willow Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\willow-forest-extended.json
Name: Swamp Beach
Vanilla Derivative: beach
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\beach.json
Name: Swamp Ocean tree
Vanilla Derivative: ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\ocean-tree.json
Name: Swamp Ocean tree
Vanilla Derivative: ocean
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\ocean.json
Name: Birch Forest
Vanilla Derivative: birch_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\birch-forest-extended.json
Name: Birch Forest
Vanilla Derivative: birch_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\birch-forest.json
Child: |
Name: Temperate Flower Forest
ID: flower_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\flower-forest.json
Name: Long Tree Forest
ID: longtree_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\longtree-forest.json
Name: Birch Forest
Vanilla Derivative: birch_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\birch-forest-extended.json
Name: Birch Forest
Vanilla Derivative: birch_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\birch-forest.json
Child: |
Name: Temperate Flower Forest
ID: flower_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\flower-forest.json
Name: Long Tree Forest
ID: longtree_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\temperate\longtree-forest.json
Name: Swamp Cambian Drift
ID: swamp_cambian_drift
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\cambian-drift.json
Category: forest
Name: Swamp Marsh
ID: swamp_marsh_rotten
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\marsh.json
Name: Swamp Roofed Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-forest-extended.json
Name: Swamp Roofed Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-forest.json
Child: |
Name: Swamp Roofed Wayward
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-wayward-extended.json
Name: Swamp Roofed Wayward
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-wayward-extended.json
Child: |
Name: Swamp Forest
ID: k530forestswamp
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\swamp-forest.json
Name: Swamp Willow Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\willow-forest.json
Child: | |
Name: Swampy Marsh
Vanilla Derivative: swamp
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\lake.json
Name: Swamp Cambian Drift
ID: swamp_cambian_drift
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\cambian-drift.json
Category: forest
Name: Swamp Marsh
ID: swamp_marsh_rotten
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\marsh.json
Name: Swamp Roofed Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-forest-extended.json
Name: Swamp Roofed Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-forest.json
Child: |
Name: Swamp Roofed Wayward
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-wayward-extended.json
Name: Swamp Roofed Wayward
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\roofed-wayward-extended.json
Child: |
Name: Swamp Forest
ID: k530forestswamp
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\swamp-forest.json
Name: Swamp Willow Forest
Vanilla Derivative: dark_forest
File Location: \overworld\biomes\swamp\willow-forest.json
Child: | |
Name: Swampy Marsh
Vanilla Derivative: swamp
File Location: \overworld\biomes\savanna\lake.json
All the info about the tropical biomes
Name: Tropical Bamboo Forest
Vanilla Derivative: bamboo_jungle
ID: tropical_bamboo_forest
Category: jungle
File Location: \overworld\biomes\tropical\bamboo-forest.json
GitHub: overworld
/ bamboo-forest.json
Child: Tropical Wilds
Name: Tropical Highlands
Vanilla Derivative: PLAINS
ID: tropical_highlands
Category: jungle
File Location: \overworld\biomes\tropical\highlands.json
GitHub: overworld
Name: Tropical Bamboo Forest
Vanilla Derivative: JUNGLE
ID: tropical_mountain_extreme
Category: jungle
File Location: \overworld\biomes\tropical\mountain-extreme.json
GitHub: overworld
Child: Tropical Mountain Water
Información sobre los biomas del overworld
El mundo por defecto de Iris. ¡Nuevo y mejorado! El Overworld tiene más de 80 biomas. Puede descargar el mundo aquí.
Astrash (Muchos biomas, configuraciones de generación, cuevas y puzles en la v2)
Coco (Ha arreglado la mayoría de bugs, retoques a la configuración, merges y desarrollo de la v2)
Cyberpwm (La mayoría de las bases principales y desarrollo del plugin)
Espen (Cuevas, Ores y otros)
K530 (Retoques a los biomas y generación de montañas)
RaydenKonig (Ideas innovadoras y configuraciones)
Strangeone101 (Biomas, generadores y la creación y modificación de la generación de cuevas)
thefourCraft (Editor de la Wiki)
Muchas gracias por contribuir al pack. Si tú también quieres contribuir, puedes hacer un fork y una pull request. ¡Por favor contáctanos en Discord si tienes algún cambio para mostrarnos!
Ten en cuenta que la documentación puede ser diferente en tu versión de Iris.
All the info about the NewHorizons dimension biomes
Outdated and likely incompatible with the latest version.
NewHorizons is a community pack made by @K530-hub, the pack has about 50+ biomes
The pack does not have high performance, so it is recommended to use a pregen.
Mangrove, sakura, sequoia, and jungle trees by Eremilion
All the info about the NewHorizons diminution biomes
The pack does not have high performance, so it is recommended to use a pregen. It will be gradually refined. Mangrove, sakura, sequoia and jungle trees by Eremilion
Make Sure That you have followed the Getting Started GuideThe only thing that changed when following the Getting Started Guide is Creating the World you need to do it this way
Stop the server.
Open the */bukkit.yml
Add to the bottom of the file the following lines:
worlds:NAME:generator: Iris:newhorizonsIf you want to replace your main world, replace NAME
with the name of your main world (usually simply world
). If you choose this option, you should also delete everything in the world
folder apart from the Datapacks so no old data will be present (and all chunks will be Iris).If you want to make a new world, replace NAME
with the name you want to give the world. If you want to make another new world, simply add another entry, without worlds
worlds:NAME1:generator: Iris:newhorizonsNAME2:generator: Iris:newhorizonsNever create a world called Iris
or iris
. It will be deleted every time you restart.You Must Use Pregeneration to significantly reduce lag on your new world!The pack does not have high performance⚠
Start the server.
NewHorizons 🌃All the info about the NewHorizons diminution biomesNewHorizons is a community pack made by @K530-hub, the pack has about 50+ biomes
A quick and easy-to-read introduction to the engine and setup of the wiki
To get your Iris education going efficiently we suggest the following order of reading pages before doing anything else:
The first page you should definitely take a look at is the VSCode installation page.
The second page you should also read, is the Command System page.
Read Iris Studio since you will use & need it.
Referring to other files within configuration settings goes as follows:
Project folder
If you now want to add the boring-region
and epic-region
to your dimension regions
, you set the following:
Iris supports sub-folders to around 5 deep, but you probably will never exceed 2.
If a folder is missing when you are about to create a new element that should go in that folder, create it.
This section of the wiki was designed specifically such that you can find what you need quickly, while also teaching you how to teach yourself. In the left navigation bar, you find an index of the pages on this wiki.
If you are making a new dimension, we advise you to copy the Empty dimension pack and work from there, to get a better feel for the settings. You are free to use the objects from the Overworld pack as long as you do not sell the pack.
The pages are designed minimalist. This means they give you explanations of the standard tools & knowledge you need to edit things, but they are not a full mastery tutorial.
We believe that, with the Command System, your newly learned VSCode auto-completions & suggestions knowledge, and the help of our support, you can manage to learn many other features, including new ones, on your own.
Of course, whenever you are running into something you have a hard time understanding, support is always ready to lend a hand.
Regions contain all per-region settings such as biome placement, which land-, sea-, and shoreBiomes spawn, and much more. You find & create regions in the 'regions' folder.
Regions are mainly a gateway to / collection of biomes. This is also why they are quite simple to set-up.
is the name of the region when it is ever displayed. This does not have to equal the name of the file, but it is recommended to be at least similar so you can find region back more easily.
Five other settings that you will likely need when setting up a region are:
, riverChanceStyle
, riverRarity
, riverStyle
and riverThickness
allow you to create rivers in your regions. You can also use fluidBodies
for this, which is likely more efficient and perhaps better-looking. FluidBodies place rivers & lakes through a terrain modification, whereas Rivers do so by pulling down the terrain height abruptly in certain locations.
lets you define how "wide" shorelines are. If you set this to 1
, only shore & sea biomes will spawn, and all land will be shoreline.
Dimensions contain all world-wide settings. They are the starting point for any new Dimension and have the most power over your world's looks. You find / create dimensions in the 'dimensions' folder.
Despite being powerful, Dimensions require very little to set-up.
You need a name
, which should be the exact same as the name of the directory it is in (capitalized).
Last and definitely not least, regions
are set as a list ([...]
). Each of these regions can also be found in the regions
Five other settings that you will likely need when setting up a dimension are:
and focusRegion
let you select a biome and region respectively which will then become the only biome/region that is generated (very useful for testing).
is the chance the terrain is above the earlier defined fluidHeight
, meaning there is land. If you want to make an ocean world, set this to 0
allows you to make all leaves on trees persistent
. This means you can make massive trees which do not have logs next to every leaf, without having all leaves decay (be removed over time)
维度是整个世界最重要的内容, 包含了所生成世界内的一切事物, 也直接影响了世界外观
When a lecture is finished for this topic, it will be uploaded here.
维度的内部名, 应与所属配置包的名称一致(大小写敏感)
: 该世界的海平面高度, 海平面越高所生成的海域高度也越高
: 该维度所拥有的区域列表, 区域可在该维度的 regions
and focusRegion
let you select a biome and region respectively which will then become the only biome/region that is generated (very useful for testing).
is the chance the terrain is above the earlier defined fluidHeight
, meaning there is land. If you want to make an ocean world, set this to 0
allows you to make all leaves on trees persistent
. This means you can make massive trees which do not have logs next to every leaf, without having all leaves decay (be removed over time)
and shore
biomes are the three parts that make up any Iris world. land
biomes are all biomes that spawn above land, apart from the shore
biomes that spawn next to the sea
biomes. See .
allow you to replace blocks that are dropped with another block. This setting is also available in & .
allow you to place in your worlds. This setting is also available in & .
allow you to place jigsaw structures in this region. You set a rarity
(the 1 in x
chance to spawn), and a structure
which directly references a structure. This setting is also available in & .
You then set the fluidHeight
, which is the height at which land appears, and below which water (oceans/lakes) appear. In vanilla Minecraft, this is set to 63
, but we need to be funnier so it is.
contains all ores you will spawn in your world. This setting is also available in separate and .
and regionZoom
allow you to modify the way regions are placed within the world. regionZoom
zooms in on the style. Take inspiration from the .
and landZoom
allow you to modify the way biomes are placed within regions. landZoom
zooms in on the style. Take inspiration from the .
Video lectures will be hosted and recorded on the .
contains all ores you will spawn in your world. This setting is also available in separate and .
and regionZoom
allow you to modify the way regions are placed within the world. regionZoom
zooms in on the style. Take inspiration from the .
and landZoom
allow you to modify the way biomes are placed within regions. landZoom
zooms in on the style. Take inspiration from the .
Regions contain all per-region settings such as biome placement, which land-, sea-, and shoreBiomes spawn, and much more. You find & create regions in the 'regions' folde
Video lectures will be hosted and recorded on the VolmitSoftware Discord.
When a lecture is finished for this topic, it will be uploaded here.
Regions are mainly a gateway to / collection of biomes. This is also why they are quite simple to set-up.
is the name of the region when it is ever displayed. This does not have to equal the name of the file, but it is recommended to be at least similar so you can find region back more easily.
and shore
biomes are the three parts that make up any Iris world. land
biomes are all biomes that spawn above land, apart from the shore
biomes that spawn next to the sea
biomes. See Shore Ratio.
Five other settings that you will likely need when setting up a region are:
allow you to replace blocks that are dropped with another block. This setting is also available in Biomes & Dimensions.
allow you to place Entities & Spawners in your worlds. This setting is also available in Biomes & Dimensions.
allow you to place jigsaw structures in this region. You set a rarity
(the 1 in x
chance to spawn), and a structure
which directly references a Jigsaw structure. This setting is also available in Biomes & Dimensions.
, riverChanceStyle
, riverRarity
, riverStyle
and riverThickness
allow you to create rivers in your regions. You can also use fluidBodies
for this, which is likely more efficient and perhaps better-looking. FluidBodies place rivers & lakes through a terrain modification, whereas Rivers do so by pulling down the terrain height abruptly in certain locations.
lets you define how "wide" shorelines are. If you set this to 1
, only shore & sea biomes will spawn, and all land will be shoreline.
Generators are what makes Iris terrain look the way it does. Generators use Style. You find & create generators in the 'generators' folder. Style is defined in separate configuration files.
Generators are what makes Iris terrain look the way it does. Generators use Style. You find & create generators in the 'generators' folder. Style is defined in separate configuration
Biomes contain all per-biome settings such as objects, terrain blocks, the terrain generator, and much more. You find & create biomes in the 'biomes' folder.
Biomes require quite some settings by default.
is the name of the biome when it is ever displayed. This does not have to equal the name of the file, but it is recommended to be at least similar so you can find biomes back more easily.
is the vanilla biome that is the underlying biome. Unless you specify customDerivatives
, this will be the name as displayed in your f3
is the vanilla biome that dictates the color of the biome in a biome mapping such as /iris studio map
contain the data for your terrain's topmost blocks. Layers consist of a palette
, which contains the details of the blocks that are placed, and the minHeight
& maxHeight
, which dictate the minimal and maximal number of times this block is placed on the terrain.
Five other settings that you will likely need when setting up a biome are:
are sub-biomes. This allows you to stack biomes inside biomes to make small spots of different trees, or lines of different terrain blocks, etc. Note that this is not intended to make lakes & rivers, use fluidBodies
for that. You can modify how children spawn with childShrinkFactor
and childStyle
are what allows Iris to create custom colors for your biomes. They also allow you to set many other values such as the color of the water, or a fake ID for the biome name (which is what shows up in the f3
are what allows you to place decorations in your biomes. You mainly need palette
and chance
, but it has multiple other useful settings, make sure to use VSCode's autocomplete for this one.
allow you to make custom sound, particle and potion effects in a biome. Each of these options has its own respective setting, also placed within effects
. Make sure to use autocompletions & descriptions.
Maybe this helps:
Well this page is pretty empty rn but maybe this helps: yeah.. good luck
Video lectures will be hosted and recorded on the .
are the for this biome. These dictate the height of the base terrain (before placing the layers
). The generator
defines which generator is used, and the min
& max
values decide how low/high the generator can generate. min
& max
can be negative numbers, which results in water being placed (when the generator generates below 0
), which is how oceans & rivers are made.
Adding this means you have to reboot your server first, before being able to use the pack.
& wall
allow you to place slabs and cliff-like walls on your terrain. Slabs can make your terrain look more natural / smooth. Note that walls are not intended to make ravines, see for more details on that.
decide which are placed in this biome. This setting is also available in .
The settings for object placements are likely to change soon, so we will not detail them here or in . Use autocompletions!
Biomes contain all per-biome settings such as objects, terrain blocks, the terrain generator, and much more. You find & create biomes in the 'biomes' folder.
Video lectures will be hosted and recorded on the VolmitSoftware Discord.
When a lecture is finished for this topic, it will be uploaded here.
Biomes require quite some settings by default.
is the name of the biome when it is ever displayed. This does not have to equal the name of the file, but it is recommended to be at least similar so you can find biomes back more easily.
is the vanilla biome that is the underlying biome. Unless you specify customDerivatives
, this will be the name as displayed in your f3
is the vanilla biome that dictates the color of the biome in a biome mapping such as /iris studio map
contain the data for your terrain's topmost blocks. Layers consist of a palette
, which contains the details of the blocks that are placed, and the minHeight
& maxHeight
, which dictate the minimal and maximal number of times this block is placed on the terrain.
are the Generators for this biome. These dictate the height of the base terrain (before placing the layers
). The generator
defines which generator is used, and the min
& max
values decide how low/high the generator can generate. min
& max
can be negative numbers, which results in water being placed (when the generator generates below 0
), which is how oceans & rivers are made.
Five other settings that you will likely need when setting up a biome are:
are sub-biomes. This allows you to stack biomes inside biomes to make small spots of different trees, or lines of different terrain blocks, etc. Note that this is not intended to make lakes & rivers, use fluidBodies
for that. You can modify how children spawn with childShrinkFactor
and childStyle
are what allows Iris to create custom colors for your biomes. They also allow you to set many other values such as the color of the water, or a fake ID for the biome name (which is what shows up in the f3
Adding this means you have to reboot your server first, before being able to use the pack. FAQ
are what allows you to place decorations in your biomes. You mainly need palette
and chance
, but it has multiple other useful settings, make sure to use VSCode's autocomplete for this one.
& wall
allow you to place slabs and cliff-like walls on your terrain. Slabs can make your terrain look more natural / smooth. Note that walls are not intended to make ravines, see Caves & Ravines for more details on that.
decide which Objects are placed in this biome. This setting is also available in Regions.
The settings for object placements are likely to change soon, so we will not detail them here or in Objects. Use autocompletions!
allow you to make custom sound, particle and potion effects in a biome. Each of these options has its own respective setting, also placed within effects
. Make sure to use autocompletions & descriptions.
Objects will spice up your dimension. Trees, structures, village buildings, your imagination is the limit. You find & create objects in the 'objects' folder.
There are many freely available objects in the VolmitSoftware Overworld which you can use.
Iris objects are not the same file format as WorldEdit's .schematic
. Iris uses a custom highly compressed and fast file format .IOB
Objects are used with Jigsaw Structures and can be added to Biomes, Regions and Dimensions.
Here is a step-by-step to guide you through creating a new object.
Give yourself a wand with /iris object wand
Build the object
Select the object by:
Click one corner with left mouse button, and the other with right mouse button
It will show you the selection
Save the object by:
/iris object save <dimensionName> name=folder/test
This saves the object as */plugins/Iris/packs/<dimensionName>/objects/folder/test.iob
You can place the object with /iris object paste folder/test
Five other options that you will likely need when creating objects are:
If you want to figure out which object you are seeing in the world, use /iris object dust
and click the object with the Glowstone. It will print its name in the chat.
You need to first hold an /iris object wand
for this to work.
Then you run /iris object paste <name> edit=true
It will immediately set your selection to encompass the pasted object.
There are multiple commands to help you modify the selection:
/iris object <see_below>
Hover over these in chat (after running /iris object
) to see how they work.
You can undo object placement with /iris object undo
You can undo multiple pastes by adding a number after the command (/iris object undo 5
You can analyze an object by running /iris object analyze <name>
. It shows you a lot of information on the object such as size, amount of blocks, and the blocks in the object (with properties).
Entities, Spawners and Markers are what you use to spawn mobs in your world. You find & create entities, entity spawners and markers in the 'entities', 'spawners' and 'markers' folder respectively.
When a lecture is finished for this topic, it will be uploaded here.
Five other settings that you will likely need when setting up an entity are:
will cause mobs to dig out of the ground, as if they were underground. This is a pretty cool effect, but you may not always want this.
, chestplate
, leggings
and boots
are equipment for the mob. Not all mobs have support for showing these items, and mobs that do not display this equipment (e.g. fish) may not always carry the benefits (protection).
and offHand
are what you can use to equip mobs with weaponry directly. They are for the main- and offhand respectively. You can give any item with any enchantment, and even include custom properties (like extra/less health, more/less damage, etc).
allows you to specify a name for the mob. You can use colors with the &
key. Open the link below for the possible colors (no RGB possible, unfortunately) and effect (italic and bold etc.)
allows you to run raw commands at that specific location. You can specify commands to run with a delay, run on a loop, and set the loop delay.
Before we start with spawners, we will quickly go over the concept of energy
. Energy is generated constantly in Iris worlds, based on how many players are online and how many chunks are loaded. The more players & chunks, the more energy is generated.
When a mob spawns, it takes some energy. This is designed so that not too many mobs can exist in your world at once.
allow you to set a list of entity spawns, such as:
Where entity
contains the link to the entity in the entities
folder (see above), max
& minSpawns
allow you to set the maximal and minimal amount of entities per chunk. The rarity
allows you to set the amount of chunks this is done in (every 1 in rarity
chunks has this spawn applied to it). Lastly, energyMultiplier
allows you to set the factor of additional energy that this spawn table uses.
Five other settings that you will likely need when setting up a spawner are:
allows you to set the area where these mobs can spawn. When set to NORMAL
, they will spawn on land. When set to CAVE
they spawn in caves, etc.
allow you to specify a list of mobs that (while still taking energy) spawn at the start (when the chunk is first loaded). These still take the maxEntitiesPerChunk
into account.
is the setting that lets you specify a number. This number is what Iris uses to check as follows: If there are more than number
mobs in the chunk, do not spawn mobs from this spawner. The amount of mobs in a chunk includes other mobs from other spawners.
allows you to specify a min
and max
amount of light required before the mob can spawn at any given location. These values range from 0 to 32.
allows you to set the weather condition, under which the mobs in this spawner can spawn. If set to ANY
(default), mobs can spawn regardless of weather.
allows you to have the marker removed after the block it marked changes.
is the list of spawners (see above) that can spawn mobs on these markers.
, when set to true
, the block(s) above the marker must be empty to spawn a mob on it.
is the chance (0.1 = 10%) that the marker is removed after any spawn
allows you to specify a list of blocks which are marked to spawn a mob on.
is the maximal amount of markers that spawn on this structure (for this marker)
is the marker that is applied to this object
is the setting that lets you make sure that your specific block conditions / block combinations are met when the mob is spawned.
Entities, Spawners and Markers are what you use to spawn mobs in your world. You find & create entities, entity spawners and markers in the 'entities', 'spawners' and 'markers' folder respectively.
Five other settings that you will likely need when setting up an entity are:
will cause mobs to dig out of the ground, as if they were underground. This is a pretty cool effect, but you may not always want this.
, chestplate
, leggings
and boots
are equipment for the mob. Not all mobs have support for showing these items, and mobs that do not display this equipment (e.g. fish) may not always carry the benefits (protection).
and offHand
are what you can use to equip mobs with weaponry directly. They are for the main- and offhand respectively. You can give any item with any enchantment, and even include custom properties (like extra/less health, more/less damage, etc).
allows you to specify a name for the mob. You can use colors with the &
key. Open the link below for the possible colors (no RGB possible, unfortunately) and effect (italic and bold etc.)
allows you to run raw commands at that specific location. You can specify commands to run with a delay, run on a loop, and set the loop delay.
Before we start with spawners, we will quickly go over the concept of energy
. Energy is generated constantly in Iris worlds, based on how many players are online and how many chunks are loaded. The more players & chunks, the more energy is generated.
When a mob spawns, it takes some energy. This is designed so that not too many mobs can exist in your world at once.
allow you to set a list of entity spawns, such as:
Where entity
contains the link to the entity in the entities
folder (see above), max
& minSpawns
allow you to set the maximal and minimal amount of entities per chunk. The rarity
allows you to set the amount of chunks this is done in (every 1 in rarity
chunks has this spawn applied to it). Lastly, energyMultiplier
allows you to set the factor of additional energy that this spawn table uses.
Five other settings that you will likely need when setting up a spawner are:
allows you to set the area where these mobs can spawn. When set to NORMAL
, they will spawn on land. When set to CAVE
they spawn in caves, etc.
allow you to specify a list of mobs that (while still taking energy) spawn at the start (when the chunk is first loaded). These still take the maxEntitiesPerChunk
into account.
is the setting that lets you specify a number. This number is what Iris uses to check as follows: If there are more than number
mobs in the chunk, do not spawn mobs from this spawner. The amount of mobs in a chunk includes other mobs from other spawners.
allows you to specify a min
and max
amount of light required before the mob can spawn at any given location. These values range from 0 to 32.
allows you to set the weather condition, under which the mobs in this spawner can spawn. If set to ANY
(default), mobs can spawn regardless of weather.
allows you to have the marker removed after the block it marked changes.
is the list of spawners (see above) that can spawn mobs on these markers.
, when set to true
, the block(s) above the marker must be empty to spawn a mob on it.
is the chance (0.1 = 10%) that the marker is removed after any spawn
allows you to specify a list of blocks which are marked to spawn a mob on.
is the maximal amount of markers that spawn on this structure (for this marker)
is the marker that is applied to this object
is the setting that lets you make sure that your specific block conditions / block combinations are met when the mob is spawned.
Video lectures will be hosted and recorded on the .
is the type of mob or animal that this entity controls. Use to get all possibilities.
In your you can specify the targetSpawnEntitiesPerChunk
(default 0.95
) which allows you to directly modify the amount of energy in the world. If you set this to 2, twice as many mobs will spawn.
is the type of mob or animal that this entity controls. Use to get all possibilities.
In your you can specify the targetSpawnEntitiesPerChunk
(default 0.95
) which allows you to directly modify the amount of energy in the world. If you set this to 2, twice as many mobs will spawn.
Spice up your underground terrain with caves & ravines, a highly optimized and good-looking system. You find & create caves & ravines in the 'caves' and `ravines` folder respectively.
Spice up your underground terrain with caves & ravines, a highly optimized and good-looking system. You find & create caves & ravines in the 'caves' and `ravines` folder respectively.
Video lectures will be hosted and recorded on the VolmitSoftware Discord.
When a lecture is finished for this topic, it will be uploaded here.
Five other settings that you will likely need when setting up caves & ravines are:
Objects will spice up your dimension. Trees, structures, village buildings, your imagination is the limit. You find & create objects in the 'objects' folder.
There are many freely available objects in the VolmitSoftware Overworld which you can use.
Iris objects are not the same file format as WorldEdit's .schematic
. Iris uses a custom highly compressed and fast file format .IOB
Objects are used with Jigsaw Structures and can be added to Biomes, Regions and Dimensions.
Video lectures will be hosted and recorded on the VolmitSoftware Discord.
When a lecture is finished for this topic, it will be uploaded here.
Here is a step-by-step to guide you through creating a new object.
Give yourself a wand with /iris object wand
Build the object
Select the object by:
Click one corner with left mouse button, and the other with right mouse button
It will show you the selection
Save the object by:
/iris object save <dimensionName> name=folder/test
This saves the object as */plugins/Iris/packs/<dimensionName>/objects/folder/test.iob
You can place the object with /iris object paste folder/test
Five other options that you will likely need when creating objects are:
If you want to figure out which object you are seeing in the world, use /iris object dust
and click the object with the Glowstone. It will print its name in the chat.
You need to first hold an /iris object wand
for this to work.
Then you run /iris object paste <name> edit=true
It will immediately set your selection to encompass the pasted object.
There are multiple commands to help you modify the selection:
/iris object <see_below>
Hover over these in chat (after running /iris object
) to see how they work.
You can undo object placement with /iris object undo
You can undo multiple pastes by adding a number after the command (/iris object undo 5
You can analyze an object by running /iris object analyze <name>
. It shows you a lot of information on the object such as size, amount of blocks, and the blocks in the object (with properties).
You find & create loot-tables in the 'loot' folder.
The name of this loot table
The rarity as in 1 in X chance
The maximum amount of loot that can be picked in this table at a time.
The minimum amount of loot that can be picked in this table at a time.
This is the item or block type. Only materials such as diamond_sword or dirt are acceptable
The maximum amount of this loot
The minimum amount of this loot
The Jigsaw system on our latest versions (from release 2.0.0 on) has not been great. Some of the commands may not be functioning as expected/wanted. The video below is still reasonably up to date to help you get started. Make sure to use autocompletions and the examples of the overworld. You'll figure it out in no time!
*cries in jigsaw*
Video lectures will be hosted and recorded on the .
Images can be used as the source of noise. You can make specific world maps with it, as well as define your own terrain generation (for height). You find & create images in the 'images' folder.
You can add an image map to any noise generator such as regionStyle
, continentStyle
or even use them as heightmaps in generators
Seven other settings that you will likely need when setting up a loot-table are:
The image
setting contains the reference to the .png
file found in the images
folder in the pack. You can use subfolders as you are used to. Keep in mind that studio worlds do not hotload changes to your image maps, so you may have to use /iris studio hotload
(/ir s h
The tiled
setting allows you to enable repeating the style over the entire map, instead of just at/around 0,0
. Set this to true
and try out /iris studio map
(/ir s map
) to see what it does.
The channel
setting allows you to pick a certain input from the PNG image for your noise maps. You can use RGB
and HSB
directly, raw
input, and some composite
inputs which do some arithmetic on the RGB
or HSB
input values (such as COMPOSITE_MAX_RGB
which takes the max RGB
value at any point, instead of just R, G or B).
The coordinateScale
setting allows you to map (by default) a certain number of blocks to each pixel. If this is set to 1
, each pixel maps to 1
block (unless you also zoom
on the noise). If it is set to 32
(default) then each pixel is responsible for 32 blocks in game.
The centered
setting allows you to set your image map's center at 0,0
, instead of having the left top corner of the image be at 0,0
The inverted
setting, as you may guess, allows you to inverse the output signal of your channel
. For example, if you selected RED
as channel, and make a fully red image (R = 255
) then set inverted
to true, the output will be fully 0
The interpolationMethod
is used alongside coordinateScale
to define the interpolation on those pixel -> block maps. If you have a default coordinate scale (32
), then you will have 32*32 block areas in your world for each pixel. This does not look nice (for example if you are trying to make natural shapes in your image map), but you may also not want to draw each of those pixels manually. Then, you can use the interpolationMethod
to interpolate as you are used to between generator styles, to smooth out those ugly massive squares.
A simple explanation on how to use scripting in Iris. You find & create scripts in the 'scripts' folder.
You will need to understand a bit about Plugins & Java before diving head first into this. While it is JavaScript, it's really just a scripting medium to access & modify Java code / variables.
You can define scripts in your project under the scripts folder. Scripts have a .js file extension and are written in JavaScript.
You can then run this script with /iris studio execute <script>
Any Iris data type (except scripts & objects) can have preprocessors added to them. Take this biome for example
Notice that we have added the preprocessor name-prefixer.js
. This script will be called when this json file is loaded into an IrisBiome class. You can then change properties about this biome object right before it's actually used by the generator. Let's prefix it with the dimension name!
We are using Rhino by Mozilla to run JS. Because of this, you are capable of actually running anything that exists on the JVM (mc server). For example, you could use the Bukkit API just like any plugin would... send a message to every player?
The Iris api is given to you via the namespace Iris. However it's actually pointing to the IrisScriptingAPI class. Take a look at that class, and you will see it has methods in it to access parts of Iris specifically.
Avoid accessing fields in the IrisScriptingAPI class, Instead of using Iris.location, use Iris.getLocation().
A simple explanation on how to use scripting in Iris. You find & create scripts in the 'scripts' folder.
You will need to understand a bit about Plugins & Java before diving head first into this. While it is JavaScript, it's really just a scripting medium to access & modify Java code / variables.
You can define scripts in your project under the scripts folder. Scripts have a .js file extension and are written in JavaScript.
You can then run this script with /iris studio execute <script>
Any Iris data type (except scripts & objects) can have preprocessors added to them. Take this biome for example
Notice that we have added the preprocessor name-prefixer.js
. This script will be called when this json file is loaded into an IrisBiome class. You can then change properties about this biome object right before it's actually used by the generator. Let's prefix it with the dimension name!
We are using Rhino by Mozilla to run JS. Because of this, you are capable of actually running anything that exists on the JVM (mc server). For example, you could use the Bukkit API just like any plugin would... send a message to every player?
The Iris api is given to you via the namespace Iris. However it's actually pointing to the IrisScriptingAPI class. Take a look at that class, and you will see it has methods in it to access parts of Iris specifically.
Avoid accessing fields in the IrisScriptingAPI class, Instead of using Iris.location, use Iris.getLocation().
Images can be used as the source of noise. You can make specific world maps with it, as well as define your own terrain generation (for height). You find & create images in the 'images' folder.
You can add an image map to any noise generator such as regionStyle
, continentStyle
or even use them as heightmaps in generators
Seven other settings that you will likely need when setting up a loot-table are:
The image
setting contains the reference to the .png
file found in the images
folder in the pack. You can use subfolders as you are used to. Keep in mind that studio worlds do not hotload changes to your image maps, so you may have to use /iris studio hotload
(/ir s h
The tiled
setting allows you to enable repeating the style over the entire map, instead of just at/around 0,0
. Set this to true
and try out /iris studio map
(/ir s map
) to see what it does.
The channel
setting allows you to pick a certain input from the PNG image for your noise maps. You can use RGB
and HSB
directly, raw
input, and some composite
inputs which do some arithmetic on the RGB
or HSB
input values (such as COMPOSITE_MAX_RGB
which takes the max RGB
value at any point, instead of just R, G or B).
The coordinateScale
setting allows you to map (by default) a certain number of blocks to each pixel. If this is set to 1
, each pixel maps to 1
block (unless you also zoom
on the noise). If it is set to 32
(default) then each pixel is responsible for 32 blocks in game.
The centered
setting allows you to set your image map's center at 0,0
, instead of having the left top corner of the image be at 0,0
The inverted
setting, as you may guess, allows you to inverse the output signal of your channel
. For example, if you selected RED
as channel, and make a fully red image (R = 255
) then set inverted
to true, the output will be fully 0
The interpolationMethod
is used alongside coordinateScale
to define the interpolation on those pixel -> block maps. If you have a default coordinate scale (32
), then you will have 32*32 block areas in your world for each pixel. This does not look nice (for example if you are trying to make natural shapes in your image map), but you may also not want to draw each of those pixels manually. Then, you can use the interpolationMethod
to interpolate as you are used to between generator styles, to smooth out those ugly massive squares.
Iris has strong VSCode integration to help you develop Dimensions quickly and easily. All you need to know is in there.
One of the best tools of Iris, probably the single most important one, is VSCode's Auto-completions & Descriptions feature
Start by taking Microsoft's installing VSCode for windows tutorial. They also feature tutorials for macOS and Linux. These tutorials take 5 minutes.
To verify your installation is set-up such that you can continue with the rest of the Engine tutorials:
Start your server (must be localhost, so on your pc. Setup Guide Here)
Download the "empty" dimension with /iris studio download empty
Open the VSCode editor with /iris studio vscode empty
The single most important thing to remember is using ctrl + space
anywhere in a file. It shows you all auto-completions possible at that position. Press the up & down arrow keys to navigate through them and show descriptions.
The second most important is that you can hover your mouse over any variable for a description / explanation of that variable.
Note how the title of the window contains (Workspace)
. If your window does not show this, you have opened the folder, instead of the workspace.
If you have openend the folder, you will have no autocompletions or tooltips, so make sure to open the pack with /iris studio vscode
(localhost only)!
If you can do all those steps without trouble, you are good to go! If you find yourself stuck at any point in this tutorial, contact support.
You continue the main tutorial by reading Studio.
<Video will be added here>
A page containing answers we gave to specific questions which explain the general way to do something.
This page is not updated. We put our answers in here and then forget about them. This is because this page would take way too much time to upkeep. If you find something that is useful, great! If it does not work because of some change in Iris, you are welcome to either figure it out yourself (as we taught you with the other pages in the Engine section), or ask support for help.
To create a biome such as this one, follow this:
Assuming that I am using the default package, I would create a new generator that would be very jagged in terms of cliffs where you start really high and then it cuts down straight but it would have a flattened top we kinda already have this and I know that someone just managers this on their own in iris-screenshots , but regardless that's my first step
Second is I would make a layered parker fire the surface of the new biome where I'd manually put in like 7-10 layers just like the current pack in my desired colors.
Third I would make an identical biome topographically but without the layers (just the top most this is going to be my main biome
Fourth, this is where you have to make a decision do you want each of the pillars to be infinitely high or do you want it to be a set amount if you want it infinitely high I would add a child biome of the one with all of the layers of itself inside of itself so whenever it generates it will look for itself to generate as well again and again and again but it will only ever be inside the pillar so if I had a 10 x 10 pillar inside could be a 4 x 4 pillar then inside that could be a one by one pillar and they will be stacked on top of each other. Or I can just make a copy of the original biome and manually increase the value and manually set it in inside.
Once I’ve done that I’m pretty much finished all I have to do now is add it to the region so depending on what region I want it to be in I would put it there, then I would ensure that that region is in the dimension then I would start the server and enjoy
A quick tutorial on how to setup a locally hosted server using Purpur, which you can use to easily edit Iris packs. You need this over a hosted server to be able to use VSCode autocompletions, GUI-bas
You will also need to create some files with some edits, as follows:
Create a new folder anywhere on your pc (not in the downloads
folder), and give it any name you like. We will create the server in this folder
Move the downloaded purpur.jar
file into that folder (it has a different name when you download it, rename it to purpur.jar
Create a new folder inside that folder called plugins
, and put the downloaded iris.jar
file into that folder (you do not have to rename that file)
Create a file in the folder called eula.txt
, open it and enter eula=true
Create a file in the folder called run.txt
, open it and enter the following:
Save all files and rename the run.txt
file to run.bat
You can now run your server by double-clicking the run.bat
Your server will reboot once, because Iris needs to do that. You may have to start your server back up manually if it does not automatically start up again.
You can join your server from your Minecraft client (which you have to run on the same network as the PC on which you run the server, e.g. the PC itself).
You join the server by going to multiplayer
, clicking direct connection
, entering localhost
as address, and clicking join server
Make sure everything went right by doing /iris version
. If that command works, you are good to go!
The Volmit Software Team
For this tutorial we will use Purpur. You will need to .
You will also need the latest version of Iris, which you can .
We offer support on our . You can ask questions there if you run into an error, for example, and want to know how to fix it. Thank you for using Iris!
Studio offers many tools to help you develop and publish packs. Studio makes use of Studio Worlds, which are development worlds. It features many useful commands to develop Dimensions.
Studio Worlds are fake worlds, created solely for the purpose of testing and developing. You cannot and should not use these worlds to build in, since they are removed every time the server restarts.
These worlds can be opened with /iris studio open
. Make sure to read the command description & parameter options for that command, in /iris studio
's command list before opening one. If you are on a local machine, this is also going to open VSCode with the workspace for this dimension. You can also open VSCode without opening a studio world with /iris studio vscode <dimensionName>
The key feature of these worlds is that they hotload. This means that every time you make a change to the pack (found in */plugins/Iris/packs/<yourPackName>
), it will apply those changes to all new chunks you generate.
You can find biomes in Iris worlds with /iris studio goto
. Note that you can also, to see only the new biome or region you created, enable force
and forceRegion
(see Dimensions - 5 Elements).
You can view Dimensions' properties with multiple useful GUI-based tools. Note that you will need to run the server on your local machine to see the GUI.
You can get a preview of many elements of the dimension currently loaded in the studio world. Open this preview with /iris studio map
. This map shows noise styles for biomes & regions, object density, and multiple other features.
Get a preview of all the basic noise types Iris features with /iris studio noise
. You can zoom in and out by scrolling, and drag by holding left mouse button.
You can explore your noise generators */<packName>/generators/
with /iris studio explore <generator>
. This allows you to see exactly what you created, making it easier to debug & tweak.
Studio worlds and the other tools Iris features are really powerful tools to create new biomes, dimensions, objects, and much more. The commands displayed here are not all the commands featured. Make sure to, as always, check out the full category of commands: /iris studio
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